The Emperor is correct in saying that we have warned these countries on numerous occasions. Letting them get away with it with a simple, "Pray for their souls, and spare their lives" mantra will ONLY end up with more dead Americans.
Is our country pure? Hell, no.
Should we be scared to walk the streets of New York because of it? HELL NO.
Already I have likened this situation to a war-like scenario. Instead of using conventional weapons on us, they have used our own innocent lives, with everyday modes of transportation against icons of American "power".
You people would be singing a different tune if they parked an aircraft carrier outside lower Manhatten and carpet-bombed the place, wouldn\'t you?
Make NO mistake about it, this is just as blatant, just as despicable as outright conventional warfare. Don\'t you see? They have fired the shots. Now, for the sake of world freedom, we, who have the power, must stop this once and for all. Make these countries pay dearly for harboring insane a ss holes, no matter how rich, and it will be alot tougher for them to organize an attack like this.
This took training, time, and a ton of concerted, convergent effort, brought forth by, not a man on the run, as he should be, but a man in a safe place, with all the time he needs to plan this out. If he didn\'t have a country to harbor his activities, don\'t you think this plot would have been sniffed out, just by there being no way to settle in and plan?
They have proved how susceptible they are; they made calls to Bin Laden via CELL PHONE to discuss the crashes. This to me points out that they had the resources to gather in one spot, practice till they knew the plan in their sleep, carry it out perfectly, but make such a sloppy mistake as to confer on a medium as easily trackable as a cell phone.
My point is, don\'t give these maniacs time to plan. The way to accomplish this is to make it VERY unprofitable to harbor these men by incurring the wrath of the most powerful nation on the planet.
No more lives lost?
Hollow out Afghanistan.
Sorry, I\'m just a little ticked.