The screens of DOA3 look verrry nice indeed, and imo right now it\'s the best looking fighter there is. Of course everyone knows that sreenshots just gives you an idea of what the game is going to look like and they can\'t project a real sense of movement and how the game actually feels while playing it. Anthony Chau at IGN has actually played an unfinished version of the game, and has made some surprising and very BOLD statements concerning DOA3 and how well it stacks up against other fighters this generation, both gameplay-wise and graphically. For any fan of the DOA series it is a very good article and worth the read.
I certainly hope some of the more open minded gamers here don\'t let company reps and pr b.s. keep them from experiencing some new and possibly great gaming goodness this generation. I know that I\'m not going to let something like the things that Ken Kutaragi (sp? whatever the hell his last name is) or Jason Rubin (I\'ll more than likely be playing J&D along with the rest of you, if it\'s good) have said, stand in my way of enjoying both the PS2 and Xbox that I\'m going to purchase. It seems that ALL the manufacturers and some devs have taken snipes at one another this gen; so what? Big deal.