IGN: What would you say are some of the biggest technical
problems on the PS2 that you\'re overcoming in Jak and
Jason Rubin: I think it\'s the same problem everybody else
has with all systems. I mean we\'re overcoming memory
issues, whether or not you\'re 40MB, which is effectively
what the PS2 has, and after you add up all the little pieces
you\'re at 64MB. We\'re not talking about a five-time
memory advantage that the Xbox has. We\'re talking
about, you know, a few more megs. We\'re always going to
have memory issues, so we\'re overcoming those. We\'re
overcoming the data management issue of how do you get
50 million polygons to 100 million polygons wor th of
background geometry, modeled, and actually textured and
lit and actually in the game. That\'s a much bigger task
than dealing with a small amount of texture RAM. That
problem is gone in like, you know, a week or two weeks of
work. So, I\'d easily have the hardware be five times harder
if we can make the actual game itself half as easy; you
know, half as hard to make. It just doesn\'t work that way
unfor tunately, the game itself is far harder than the
hardware. So we\'ve overcome the standard slew of
issues, but I don\'t think those are any different issues than
you\'re going to have on any other hardware.
:thepimp: :thepimp: :thepimp: