All I know is that if it wasn\'t for Microsoft I couldn\'t put food on the table.
Thats what is important not this biased crap. Linux doesn\'t make anyone rich these days, don\'t believe me? visit slashdot and find out yourself.
Sony hasn\'t done anything positive for me but cost me money for poor products and then they lie about it. 17 Million PS2\'s have been shipped not sold and out of those that do get sold get sold again because they work like crap.
In purchasing a PS2, you have a 50/50 chance of getting a bad product and Sony brainwashes a lot of people on here that can\'t see their toes because they are blind.
The only good thing about Sony\'s monopolies is that they have a chance to help my company that I work for.
The next time I email J Allard, I am going to tell him to make sure the marketing department does what sony does and puts out the shipping numbers. Microsoft should match sony\'s propaganda in one year or less...
Sony is ahead of everyone else when it comes to HOT AIR. Even Microsoft comes far short in that category.