Like any other smart business Nintendo took a look at the competition it faced and had to decide where its strengths were, which group(s) Nintendo gaming systems appeal to and the reasons why those customers might choose GC over the rest. At some point during development of GC games it became clear, as nice as their games looked, they would not outshine in a big way the graphics of the only other serious rival system, the PS2. With finite first party resources the decision to focus those resources solely on content aimed at the younger crowd was set, knowing the core of their older loyal fan base would purchase the GC regardless. Leaving open for third parties the tempting prospect of a mature void left to fill. My guess is with certain restrictions, very limited blood, gore and sex appeal. In other words, nothing that might upset the vast majority of those they expect to be purchasing their latest console, Mom and Dad.
That\'s my take anyway. It was a practical decision dictated by market forces, gauged by what helped them to be number one in the past and where most of their revenue is coming from now. Time will tell if leaving behind a segment of loyal fans was the best move. Keep in mind, even without the babyish version of Zelda, odds are most of their older fan base had moved on anyway.
Oh man, that was more than needed to be said. One day I\'ll learn to get to the point. You know, the way the infamous chimp and his human have the knack for doing it.