Sorry but untill the day i decisde to buy an X box then ill get excited about this game, but no before.
At hart i am a massive RPG fan and this game looks Superb, but seeing that the PS2 will have its far share of RPG\'s as well as havingthe best IMO (the Final Fantasy Series)
means that i will be sticking with Sony, yes Project Ego looks damn fine but at the moment i am not reading too much into due to the Disapointment i receved with Black and White (no fault of old PETE BUT.....................).
B & W was developed with an entire eco and climate system in mind, this would of let players DAM areas to flood valleys and use other tricks to get the upper hand.
When B & W Finally (it was a very long and painful wait) when\'t Gold this was reduced to a nice weather system that (just gave you Higher Rain fall levels when you clear out a large % of the tress)
So stories of Project Egos Addon\'s are going to be taken with a "pinch of Salt" (from me at least )
Don\'t get me wrong i love B & W but its far from what i was expecting, espeually after watching TV interves with old PETE and reading "EXCLUSIVE" interviews.
Lets hope for Lionhead that they make this multi platform or atleast release it for the PC.
Everyone deserves the Right to play this game !
Regardless of what System they happen to own.
Hey QuDDu
Enough already with all the threads about "i just don\'t see how the PS2 can match the X box !" Thats your opinion please try and find something new to talk about !
Sorry mate its just that you have made too many threads of the same topic, Just remember even though people won\'t want to buy the X box the now dose not mean that they like the system.
I for one will buy on but not for a Few years yet (2003 maybe 2004) ah the joy of owning a PS2 and X box !
And a vast selcetion of members here are aming to have the PS2 and Xbox (IMO the best of both worlds).
So please try something new mate
You have good point just don\'t make us sick of hearing them !