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Author Topic: Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?  (Read 1952 times)

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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« on: October 18, 2001, 10:00:28 AM »
Is Gamecube a more powerful system?  If not, why?

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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2001, 10:11:29 AM »
Overall.. Dont know..

GC will have better graphics ect..
But I think the PS2 can push more polygons..

I read two very intresting articles about this..
They said PS2 was as powerful as GC..

Ill see if I can find them.
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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2001, 10:11:39 AM »
Hi friend, have you notice there is a "console debatting forum"? Well, this thread must be there, and admins will move it.

In the other hand, I must say NGC is more powerful than PS2, but not sufficient. A console doesn´t win the war for its chips or capabilities, it wins the war because its games, and PS2 wins in this.
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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2001, 10:16:37 AM »
I agree with Adan..

Power doesn’t win you a console war.. Never has and never will..
But.... From what I\'ve read on this PS2 seems to have the same power as GC..

And with the big learning curve we\'re going to see a huge difference in PS2s graphics by the time PA2 (Performance Analyzer2 I call it "Gods gift to developers" :D ) comes out..

We will see in 5 years ;) :fro:
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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2001, 10:18:07 AM »
From what I\'ve read, GC has more power, but thats all on paper, so far from what I\'ve seen they are about even

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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2001, 10:21:58 AM »
They are very different, the PS.2 can push more raw poligons, but the info Sony gave out said that it can push around 70 million "untextured" poligons, however Nintendo were more honest and said they could do about 10-12 million poly\'s with heavy textures. And the GC is better equipped to deal with heavy textures than the PS.2, however in those very few games that we\'ve seen we haven\'t seen those wonderful textures that we were promised.

I\'d say they are on par with each other, however it should be noted that the PS.2 design is ratically different than other competing consoles, and it has yet to be tapped to it\'s full potential. And the fact that "very" hard to program for the console since there is no specific API (that I know of) the PS.2 will be getting better looking games for pretty long, given that it will keep it\'s strong 3rd party support (Sony will see to that). Because the eaze of developing for the X-Box (Direct X) and the GameCube (OpenGL) will give them better looking launch games, but they will probably be maxed out before the PS.2.

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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2001, 11:26:50 AM »
I think the math PS2 can do is alot better, but GC can throw a good weight of polygons around on it with 6:1 compression texture ratio.

The first gen GC games look alot better than the newest SP2 games, IMO. but I don\'t really think GC looks all that fun.

what matters is the games, and GC doesn\'t have many games for it period, looks like it is shaping up to be another N64, which can be good or bad depending on how you look at it.

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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2001, 01:44:33 PM »
Technically speaking, the GC is the most powerful, however metaphorically speaking the PS2 is. :nerd:
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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2001, 02:36:52 PM »

Technically speaking the GC is not the most powerful.

Graphically Xbox will prove to be more powerful then GC , and with its harddrive Xbox will have a boat load more options to install into its games

The PS2 may not be the grpahics champion but like Altered Beast says and I\'ll elaboratre some more. The PS2 can do the math
Its has a  multi processor CPU, and its the only 128bit CPU in any of the three consoles. What the PS2 lacks in texture strengths that the Xbox and GC have it makes up inn its abilities to do simulataneous calculations. The PS2 can do multiple things simulataneously. Which games like Jak and Daxter show off and to a lesser extent the physics in GT3 and soon  coming Wipeout Fusion while maintaining strong graphical quality. Ps2 games will have its own set of strengths beyond the graphic arguments

As for GC. Its a machine with enough power to compete with Xbox and PS2, and excel at some things just like the PS2 and Xbox, as for more powerful I really don\'t think it is

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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2001, 02:50:56 PM »
Graphics is not always everything, remember back when N64 was up against the PSX?  N64 had better looking graphics but the PSX still dominated in my opinion.  What I find strange about the X-Box is it\'s just like a PC! I mean the processor, video card, & etc can all be obtained for your personal computer.  What I don\'t understand is how the X-Box could push games like it does (yet I havent seen any in action so I\'m unsure) better than a PC with the same hardware (or better) with more RAM.  Doesnt it run some version of Windows also?  Correct me if I\'m wrong.  This doesnt sound like I\'m talking any sense, I cant explain it but It seems like the way the XBox is it\'s just like a PC & would run games not as good as my high-end computer, yet some of the stuff I seen on the Dreamcast I know I would never see on my PC as far as the graphics are.  Some one help me out here, LOL.  Try to make what I\'m talking about make more sense.

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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2001, 02:56:04 PM »
CPU - 733 Mhz Intel PIII
Graphics Processor - 300 Mhz Custom NVidia CPU
Total Memory - 64 MB
Memory Bandwidth - 6.4 GB/sec
Polygon Performance - 150 M/sec
Audio Channels - 256
Broadband Enabled - YES
Hard Drive - Internal

PlayStation 2:
CPU - 300 Mhz MIPS
Graphics Processor - 150 Mhz Sony GS
Total Memory - 38 MB
Memory Bandwidth - 3.2 GB/sec
Polygon Performance - 66 M/sec
Audio Channels - 48
Broadband Enabled - Future Upgrade
Hard Drive - Add-on

CPU - 405 Mhz Power PC
Graphics Processor - 202.5 Mhz custom chip
Total Memory - 43 MB
Memory Bandwidth - 3.2 GB/sec
Polygon Performance - 6-12 M/sec
Audio Channels - 64 ADPCM
Broadband Enabled - Optional
Hard Drive - N/A

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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2001, 02:57:59 PM »
want more SPECS on each system ? go to The Video Game Palace or CLICK on the link below and CLICK on each systems SPECS

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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2001, 02:58:35 PM »
Originally posted by EnforcerX
.  What I find strange about the X-Box is it\'s just like a PC! I mean the processor, video card, & etc can all be obtained for your personal computer.  What I don\'t understand is how the X-Box could push games like it does (yet I havent seen any in action so I\'m unsure) better than a PC with the same hardware (or better) with more RAM.  Doesnt it run some version of Windows also?  Correct me if I\'m wrong.  

PC games and their developers are handcuffed by all the people out there who are not running the same top of the line equipmant.

PC games are made to be able to play on as many PC\'s as possible while still expanding the technology. This means all those people who own Geforce 3\'s right now are playing games that barely push the limitis of a Geforce 2 cauuse only a few own top technology

ALso is all the diffeent mother boards, CPU\'s and CPU Speeds, different amounts of memory each person has in  their PC . A developer has to build a game that can appease a lower common denominator

Xbox doesn\'t have this limitation and dev\'s can go ahead and push the hardware as far as they can without worry

thats why

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« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2001, 04:13:39 PM »

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Is GAMECUBE more Powerful than PLAYSTATION 2?
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2001, 04:36:12 PM »

Those specs don\'t really tell any of the story cause all three utilize different architextures to accomplish things differently

and let me expand on everything I said already.

All the machines have strengths and weaknesses, all will produce great games catering to the systems strengths. None of the 3 remaining consoles will be dwarfed or dwarf the others.


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