"How do you know Xbox magazine said that and not the person who was copying it out of Xbox magazine just giving his personal opinion?"
Because i have read quiet a few post about this on different forums, about the offical mag, and they all say the same, and i will say sorry now if i am wrong, but that is what i read, i don\'t want to argue with anyone on here, but people should give things a chance before always jumping on it.
And it was 70 reasons to get an Xbox, i have the mag, my dad got it for me when he was in america, and of course they are going to give you reasons to buy Xbox over other consoles, i was reading GCN over here in the UK, and in the news sectyion they gave a reason to get GC over Xbox.
I dont know but they were saying something about the launch figures, and said something like they are not going to have anywhere near the 600,000 of there bulky consoles, not to bad, but every mag says stuff about of there consoles.
So yes i can get your point.
Sorry for nearly making a row dude, no hard feelings?
I still ove my PS2 ya know:yawn: (hopefully should get Devil May Cry in the post tomorrow,HELL YEAH!)