Originally posted by rastalant
Guess what? Halo got a 9.5 out of 10 as well. I guess both titles are AAA quaitly titles. :thepimp: :thepimp:
Halo, eh, arguable. It looks good. I don\'t think there\'s any way DOA3 could ever deserve a rating like this, though.
The gameplay hasn\'t changed in any way at all whatsoever from the first version of it. Nothing about it screams "Ultra stellar killer game". The graphics are nice, the character designs are nice, the levels are nice, but there is absolutely no innovation at all whatsoever here. It simply is not the type of game worthy of an ultra high rating like this; neither was DOA2. Even if it\'s well executed, what it is executing is nothing expansive. This isn\'t the type of transition we\'re seeing from MGS to MGS2; this isn\'t the type of change we\'re seeing from Extreme G2 to Extreme G3; this isn\'t the type of change we\'re seeing from GTA2 to GTA3; this isn\'t much of a
change at all. Nothing about the game shouts out to me.
That\'s all my opinion, obviously. I just don\'t see it as the type of game to get excited over. I frankly think the whole fighting genre as a whole could use some more originality (SSB is an example of a fighter that used original concepts), and the DOA series is one of the worst in that area. So personally, I do not think it is deserving of a 9.5 out of ten, at all.
This is going to be just as bad as PSM, I can already sense it. When Xbox starts getting truly spectacular games, such as Project Ego, what will the editors be rating it, if they\'ve already used up their highest scores on games like DOA3? "Oh, ______ is too good for our rating system.."