Yeah, anyone can pick out games that looked better but had framerate problems--you are being selective to prove a point. You are also implying that the psx had no framerate problems with its first generation of games, this is absolutely false--get over it and use some sense. I could list dozens of games that look tremendously better than first gen games (for psx, snes, genesis), but that wouldn\'t prove anything really. Just use common sense, this point isn\'t something that can be argued. It should be a given that devs learn small tricks to get more out of a system then they initially could.
LOL, now you\'re bull****ing me right?
I neversaid or even implied that PSX had \'no\' framerate problems at the beginning and if you look for the other thread, you will even see that I have already tryed to prove that there are graphical enhancements made during a consoles life span. Plain fact. I also didn\'t say that PSX had framerate problems at the end, what I ment was that some scaled down framerates and resolution just to get some better graphics on screen. Plain fact. I even named you a few examples and could add more if I wanted to.
What I don\'t like about your earlier post though, is that you seem to think that just because PSX was an easy platform which saw such a big leap in graphics, means we will see an equal leap on the Xbox as well. This can be true, but I question this very much.
There\'s a big difference between a console architecture and that of a PC. You seem to imply that just because PSX saw a big leap in graphics (which was an easy platform), we will see a more or less equal leap in Xbox\'s graphics. This is simply not true, since both architectures are so different. And mind you, developing a PC game or on a architecture very similar to that of a PC is still much easier than on a console.
People who think that the PS2 will eventually produce graphics like the GC or xbox once devs "learn" the system are kidding themselves. All systems will evolve graphically, it\'s just a matter of specs.
Maxxed out, the PS2 is an inferior machine in terms of graphics, and that is the sad truth.
Give me any good reason why I should believe you? Are you a developer? Have you programmed on the PS2 yourself? Heck, from what I can tell, you don\'t even understand the own stuff you post, so why should anyone in here take a statement like that serious? It\'s good for a laugh though.
Yes, Xbox is a strong and powerful system (no one ever stated otherwise). Developers have stated this and this has already been proven by recent releases: PS2 will see a big leap in graphics (logical, more so than Xbox). You compare first gen games to second gen games and you already see a huge difference there. And it will go further, trust me.
Oh by the way, explain to me, why Electronic Arts states that the PS2 has a higher pixelfillrate than the Xbox? What happened to those numbers Microsoft is publishing? Dream on, buddy. I am not saying that PS2 is as strong as Xbox just yet, but it\'s a lot more powerful than you think it is and it will prove with time.
Don\'t forget, Xbox uses technology that is over 20 years old and as Intel states themselves, is at the end of its life span. This might not be necessarely bad, since this makes the Xbox (also thanks to DirectX) very, no sorry, VERY easy to develop for. Don\'t forget that.
Think what you want, but stop denying the fact that PS2 is a lot more powerful than you want it to be.