Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams
By Shockwave
October 30, 2001
Ever since the original Silent Hill graced my PS1, I was hooked. The game was like living out an episode of the Twilight Zone with a little bit of Stephen King all mixed up into one hell of a game. I’ll never forget the chills I got when I first entered that elementary school filled with ghoulish children that you had the chore of clubbing over the head with a lead pipe. There was just something about that task that will always haunt me.
Konami is eager to continue the hellish nightmare that is Silent Hill in their sequel to the PS1 hit. Silent Hill 2 is also available on the PS2, but Konomi put some extra effort in the Xbox version of the game, titled Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams. The Xbox version of the game will feature beefed up graphics and lighting effects. On top of that, Silent Hill: Restless Dreams for the Xbox will include an entirely new chapter. Players will be able to work their way through two scenarios, the main scenario, “Letter From Silent Heaven,” and the sub scenario, “Born From a Wish.”
“Born From a Wish” will add about 4-6 hours of added gameplay to Silent Hill: Restless Dreams, giving Xbox gamers a more in depth experience of the hell that is Silent Hill. In this scenario you will switch roles as you take control of Maria, the attractive stranger that is the spitting image of Mary, the wife that James Sutherland has been searching for…even though he believes she is dead. In order to prevent yourself from giving up all the secrets of the game, make sure you play through the main scenario before you check out the sub scenario.
I spent a few late nights with the lights off and the surround sound cranked up while playing through the early version of Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams on the Xbox. Right away, you will notice the graphical improvements over the PS2 version. The lighting is more volumetric, and this is apparent when you are making your way through darkened hallways with only your flashlight to guide you. Those familiar with Silent Hill know that your flashlight provides you with a limited field of view that makes moving from place to place quite frightening when you can’t see what is out of range from the light. The Dolby Surround feature of the game breathes a life into Silent Hill that makes playing without it seem like watching TV with mute on.
The game begins as you find yourself in a filthy men’s room at the far southeast corner of the eerie town of Silent Hill. Your goal is to make your way to your ‘special place’ that is mentioned in a letter you receive from a mysterious woman. What makes this letter so mysterious? The fact that the letter is in your wife’s handwriting for one thing, and for another, it’s even signed Mary (your wife’s name). Why is this so strange? Maybe it’s because your wife Mary has been dead for three years.
Sound weird? Get used to weird because that seems to be the norm in Silent Hill these days. You will be immediately plunged into the darkness as you make your way through fog infested woods and town streets who’s only remaining citizens are “dying” to meet you. The controls of Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams matches up with the original title’s controls. There isn’t really much of a jump in the way James moves about the town, but there wasn’t much of a reason to change anything. Walk, run, open, attack…it’s pretty straightforward. You will get familiar with the controls of the game as you make your way through an off-road path leading toward the outskirts of Silent Hill. You do however; have the option to control the camera angles a bit more then before, which proves useful in certain situations that you might want to get a better look at what may be going on around you before you move forward. You will be equipped with weapons including a pistol, shotgun and a hunting rifle, but you will vastly rely on your wits and problem solving abilities to survive.
From my own experience playing the game, I was thrilled to see that Konami put in some extra effort in making the Xbox version more than a port of the PS2 version. The enhanced graphics, sound, and especially the added scenario of the game are well worth going with the Xbox version if you happen to own both consoles. Why get a chili dog, when you could get a foot long chili dog with cheese.
So is the game rated Mature? You better believe it is! I’d suggest that the little ones get tucked in before turning out the lights for this game. There is quite a bit of gore, blood, and just plain nasty situations that will make your gut churn in disgust, but we love every minute of it. Some of the CG visual sequences of the game are terrifying and graphic, and some may leave you wondering whether or not the crew over at Konami might want to check themselves into the psychiatric ward at the nearest hospital.
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams is a perfect continuation of the original Silent Hill title and the gameplay picks up right where you left off on the PS1. Xbox’s joystick controller feels a bit more responsive than the PS1 controller, and the Xbox’s hardware is far superior for much improved graphics and sound. The Dolby Surround capabilities are a must if you truly want to experience the horror of the game, as you will have the bejezus scared out of you as you are walking down a narrow hallway only to be jolted by some nasty creature coming up from the side of you. Many times you will hear things that you can’t actually see because of your limited field of view, and I don’t care who you are, if you are playing at 1AM with the lights off alone in the house, you will get the willies. If you were a fan of Silent Hill on the PS1 it is your duty to get Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams for the Xbox. Not doing so, would be like watching Star Wars and skipping The Empire Strikes Back.
Movie 1: 2: sweet!!!!! I will proably have to get this game. Is it me or the pics look a clearer than the ps2 version. I\'m pretty impressed with this game. Check out the movies!!!!
:cool: :cool::thepimp: :thepimp: :thepimp:
six pics max next tiem I delete the topic, you know this raslant: - ddaryl