DOA3 does bring a lot to the table. Two very important things come to mind: the ability to move around in 3D seemlessly (this has not been done until now) and the obsicles that litter the arenas change the game dramatically and add a lot of strategy. Counters have been toned down, and combos have been improved. This is a much improved game (over DOA2). There are two reasons why this game is getting bad reviews from most of you guys: it\'s not on PS2 and you haven\'t played it enough to form an opinion and therefore make the easy comment: it\'s just like DOA2 and DOA2 was bad, trying to protect your system of choice and its integrity.
DOA3 is no VF, no game is, VF is great, but other than that, DOA3 is untouched in the 3D realm (it\'s no SF either). Tekken vs DOA3? It comes down to preference. But neither game is cheaper. Tekken is still a 2D game, which is fine, but it is not truly 3D. Tekken has some cheap characters, so does DOA3. Tekken\'s move list is no deeper than DOA3\'s. Tekken is no less a button masher than DOA3. Tekkens combos are no tougher to pull off than DOA3\'s. If you people would actually play the game for more than 5 minutes at EB and stop *****ing about it, you might actually like it.
Halo is a superb game. There is a sense of immediacy and of the epic. It\'s a huge, complicated and engrossing game--how can so many reviewers be wrong? I\'ve played a great number of shooters on the PC, and I\'m having a blast playing this game.
MGS2? I\'ve been playing this too, although not as much as Halo. Bear in mind that I didn\'t like the previous installment that much. But for people that loved the first, MGS2 it is a wonderful game. I\'d say overrated (still a worthy play though just because it is so cool and slick), but people love this game--and how can so many reviewers be wrong?
Comparing Luigi to these games is laughable. In graphics? They are about the same I\'d say (although I hate the cartoony look, they are still well concieved). But in scope it is terribly lacking. There is no depth in gameplay. There are different plans of attack available in the two games listed above, but this game will be played the same way by every person. People complain about the lack of weapon choice in Halo--what about this game? N is usually pretty good about creating games that appeal to both the young and old, but this one fails.
I haven\'t played WV enough to form an opinion, but if it is like the N64 version, it should be pretty solid.
I do not like RS however. Flying on a rail, invisible space "walls", nice graphics and sound effects, N64 remake (of a bad game) is my summation of this game.
PGR I played for about an hour. It was kind of fun. I like the kudos. But I didn\'t like it much overall. I also don\'t like GT much either. Racing games seem pointless to me and I\'m not a car aficionado. Nice graphics though.