mm, Bleem! MGS IS out, go to your local Babbages/S etc./EB, etc.
But no ooseven, this isn\'t piracy in any shape, way, or form. bleem! coded their PSX engine from the ground up, not backwards reproducing it. They never allowed copyied game support, I beleive. It still made you buy the original which would increase sales on a console that wasn\'t selling them as much as they would\'ve.
Piracy? do you know what the word means? Piracy is the jackasses that rip music onto Kazaa/Morpheus/mIRC before it is released. Piracy is ripping full version cds and distributing them for free. Piracy is stupid, bleem! wasn\'t.
I can\'t believe some of you ingrates are happy bleem! went under :rolleyes:
Eric Jacob