Do yourself a favor and get a pronto remote. You can by the old version pretty cheap now. LCD screen, looks just like a palm pilot. It\'s awesome. I push one button and it turns all my equipment on, switches the tv and stereo over to DSS, and puts up a screen with icons so that I can just choose the station I want on the remote. I had 8 remotes in my living room, plus I can control the stuff in my bedroom with it as well.
You can do so many macros with it. Very neat unit.
Great setup though.
I remember in college we had a room that was about 10X15 for a bedroom for 2 of us.
My buddy and I combined stereos. We had two receivers running 2 main speakers and that all the base was taken out of and we had a huge speaker box with 2-15" woofers in them. The box use to be in a nightclub. It was huge, but boy did we shake the place. We lived on the 2nd floor of a 15 floor dorm. One time the dude from the 4th floor came down and complained. It was great.