Well, I don\'t work on Sundays, but had to go in at 7pm for a meeting.
I expected to see all the Gamecube\'s sold out, as the X-Box had done a few days before. XBox launched with 106 on a weekday, and Gamecube had 72 on a weekend, it only made sense.
Well, when I got there, I saw 8 GCs left. 2 black and 6 Indigo. There was only 20 people lined up as apposed to 35 XBox people. I heard our accessory sell through rate was higher, but people didn\'t buy as many games.
With no shock at all to me, Rogue Leader solfd the most, followed strangely by Super Monkey Ball. Tomorrow, the remaining stock will probably sell out, but we get more XBoxs in on Tuesay, so you never know.
Eric Jacob