here is the site:,10870,2826685,00.htmlFor $50, I can buy a game, I didn\'t imagine for $50, I can get a DC. It seems like DC(somewhat a next gen console) is the cheapest console. I still remember the launch price, $199, then before ps2 comes out, $149, after a while, $99, then $79, and now, finally $50. Even PsOne, N64 still cost $99 (twice the price tag) and they are 10x less powerful than DC. Well, it all comes down to marketing and DC is pretty much dead. Why not sells the remaining DC for some money. That\'s what Sega might be thinking.
DC is getting cheaper. I think sony should do the same too. In that way, they can draw more buyers waiting for a price drop. $249.99 is a good price tag, not to mention gives network adapter($40-retail price) for free is a good move for them.