As I was reading through a next gen magazine early this weak I came across and chart with 4 catagorys.
Hardware, COntroller Design,current games,upcoming games and marketing muscle.
The overall winner was ps2. In 2nd Gc and 3rd x-box
Hardware-Gc=3 stars,x-box 5 stars,ps2=4 stars. : WINNER=X-box :
Controller design- Gc 4 stars, X-box 2 stars, Ps2 4 stars.
: WINNER=PS2 and GC :
Current games- Gc 3, X-box 3 stars, Ps2=5 stars
: Winner= Ps2 :
Upcoming games- Gc 4 stars, X-box 3 1/2 stars , PS2 4 1/2 stars.
: Winner= PS2 :
Marketing Muscle= Gc 3 stars, X-box 2 stars, PS2 4 stars
Winner out of GC and X-box= GC
Gc beat x-box in 3 categorys. X-box beat Gc in 1 category. They tied in 1.