well you can call me what you want but as far as i know this is a console debate forum.. ok ill get started..
I have heard all the excuses and insults people have had towards the XBOX. Microsoft makes it so its horrible.. Well i got news for you most of you are running a MICROSOFT windows platform and its just not true Microsoft has entered the gaming market and did a hell of a good job with the XBOX..
"Its too big and and heavy"- as far as i know i dont carry around game consoles.. and are you that poor that you live somewhere where you cant put a game system. And if its to heavy for you i STRONGLY reccomend you sign up for a Gym becuase if you cannot carry 8 WHOLE POUNDS you need serious physical training..
"The Controller is big and bulky"- the controller IS big and it IS bulky and the point is.. if your fingers arent big enough for it then you must have a growing disorder.. and plus there are other controllers about 12 diff. kinds
"No Games (besdies Halo)" - actually Xbox has giant 3rd party support and is going to have a lot of games by January for Now you have- Halo,Munch,Project Gotham Racing,DOA3,Amped,Azurik,THPS2X,Transworld Surf.. just to name a few..and Xbox will also be getting GTA3 and MGS.
to tell the truth i was going to get a PS2 because i am an ULTIMATE MGS fan! but when i heard that the XBOX would get MGS (MGSX) then i decided to go with XBOX..
and the reason i am writing it (check the title) i have NOTHING against PS2 but i would hope that you guys wouldnt be so negative towards XBOX.
As far a GC is concered its a diff. Market ..Fisher Price and Game Cube might have to slug it out in the end...(: