First off, lets say that Nintendo sold out 700,000 units in the first week. If so, then that would make the GC the fastest selling console. Lets not confuse this with the fastest selling console in one single
day . This is totally different. That would mean, that GC sold 300,000 more than Sony did the first week, due to the fact Sony could only ship 500,000 the first week of the PS2 launch. Make sense? Thought so. You will note that I ignored Xbox sales, because to my knowledge, MS has not released anything saying how many units they sold in the first week (300,000 I suppose). You can also argue that the selling point for the mass PS2 sell-out in Japan was simply because the PS2 was a cheap DVD player for the Japanese market. Does it matter? NO. I am just saying, you can go in circles over this whole matter for along time. IN the end, each console sold an impressive amount.
Second off, does it really even matter? Before everyone starts screaming that Nintendo is "liars", think about it for a second...What company has not lied to increase media hype? As Gohan has already pointed out Sony kept goin\' on about "toy story quality graphics" and I even remember some George Lucas media hype...
I don\'t see why so many of you are concerned with what company Y sold and if Company X sold more than company Y.
MM said it best once again..
competition makes for better gaming