Thats a tough one. Lots of issues need to be addressed like what do you count as a person etc.
I personally feel that if the brain, including all thoughts, expriences etc are copied so that when you well wake up or whatever in your new vessal it feels exactly like it did before, so much so that theres been no change and you don\'t actually know it had happened then i\'d say that was eternal.
Basically providing the mind can be copied intact. In a sense if you think as your body as a vessul, just a living chamber for the mind and the mind as the actual thing in question then its just like the mind has moved house, but the mind itself hasn\'t died or been altered.
However if on the other hand you don\'t believe this and think that its both the body and the mind play a part in the thing called a person and if the body will rot away once the mind has been transfered to a new body then I guess that is a new person.
I consider me as my consenses so if I did move bodies I would consider myself as still alive and living, not a new me.