Yes, yes I know we\'ve already done a small game of the year award thread, but lets try something different.
PS2 Game of the Year Devil May Cry[/color]
I\'m sure a lot of you are going to disagree with me on that one. For me though, that was
the PS2 game of the year.
Runner\'s up - Shadows of Destiny
- Kolona 2
- Jak and Daxter
GameCube Game of the Year Pikimin[/color]
A no brainer. The GC is still new, so there isn\'t a lot of games out for it but even if there was , it would of been extremely hard to top this highly original and addictive title.
Runner up - Rouge Squadron 2
- Super Monkey Ball
- Super SMash Bro\'s: Melee
X-Box[Game of the Year Halo: Combat Evoled [/color]
I can\'t say I am a fan of the game, but it is clearly the best XBox title out this year. Its just a damn shame the Xbox launched so close to the end of the year ( as did the GC).
Runner up ( Note: I\'d list more than one runner up for X-box, but I can\'t think of any games on it that was remotely fun other than those two. Hey, I\'m allowed to do that damnit..Its your own personal awards! ;) ) GameBoy Advance Game of the YearAdvance Wars A game that is classic in some senses and in others more complex than 98% of the next generation games. Not to mention massive multiplayer mode and addictive single player mode. A must have.
Runner\'s up- CastleVania: COTM
- Golden Sun
- Super Mario Kart Advance - or whatever the hell its named. I can\'t help but forget.
And finally....What no one has really been waiting for, but I decided to do anyways.....
Go ahead, flame me. Ask me what the hell I am smoking . Accuse me of being a Nintendo fanboy, because I didn\'t give that award to one of the numerous huge PS2 titles (GTA3, MGS2, GT3,etc). I can\'t help it though. Pikimin is the only game this year on any next generation console that was original, addictive, gorgeous and many other things. It just got everything right.
Okay, now that I am done with my so called awards (that many of you will disagree with..
). Post your own.