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Author Topic: Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!  (Read 4198 times)

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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2002, 11:41:56 AM »
I really  didn\'t like RL much.  I\'ve said it before, but the invisible space walls, ship on a rail and the gameplay we\'ve all seen before really took me out of the game.  It almost exactly like Free Space 2 with a Star Wars license.

SSBM is a really fun game (only multiplayer though), but I hate the graphics.

I haven\'t played any other GC games enough to give an opinion.
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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2002, 03:04:18 PM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

Why? He likes DOA3 for both graphics and gameplay...what\'s wrong?  He\'s excited for games like Halo,Munch,PG,DOA3,etc,and for the great potential this console has...

In both his posts he only says that DOA3 is gorgeous. He mentions nothing to do with gameplay concerning this game
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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #32 on: January 01, 2002, 04:03:32 PM »
Originally posted by rastalant

Monkey ball was overhyped.
RL2 is just a rehash of part 1 with better graphics.  The gameplay did not advance at all.  
Xbox has got silent hill 2x, bloodwake, and coming soon ufc, raw, smash driving, sega gt2, jet set radio future, and gun vakilyle. I think xbox is way better system than gamecube its more powerful and I think xbox games and upcoming libary is way better.  Btw, whats the next big gamecube game coming out soon?

Monkey Ball was over-hyped? You\'ve obviously never played it. The game is simple and addictive.

You condem RL2 for being a "rehash" of part 1 , yet you are all excited about Silent Hill 2x, a simple port with an added side-quest that reviewers have openly trashed? You then brag about Madden being on the XBox - yet it was also on the GC. Do you just love contradicting yourself or something? UFC is also goin\' to the PS2 -  so what is so fantastic about that?

As for upcoming titles for GC... Star Fox, Resident Evil , Too Human, Animal Forest and plenty more.

I\'ll save you the trouble for responding...

Future Rastalant post

But, DOA3 is so gorgeous man.

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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2002, 04:48:32 PM »
Some people can ***** about the most insignificant things!

Dead or Alive 3 is not only the best looking fighting game at the moment (and probably for some time), the gameplay is silky smooth.  I can\'t remember a fighting game that allows one to pull off the manuevers as quickly and easily as DOA3.  And yes, I can say the gameplay is improved over DOA2.  It\'s no longer a throwing match...

oh, and Gohan...

"So three games and games that will be released next year make this your favorite console ever? Whatever."

It\'s four... I mentioned Project Gotham, Halo, Dead or Alive 3, and Munch.  HHL Hitz and NFL Fever are good too! Let\'s see, Blood Wake and Silent Hill 2 are out... I\'ll be getting them both in about a week.

Oh, then Jet Grind Radio Future, Genma Onimusha and Gun Valkerie come out in Feb.  Then Unreal Championship, Wreckless, House of the Dead 3, and Sega GT 2002 are due in March.  Panzer Dragoon 4, Black and White, Brute Force, Malice, Crash, Crazy Taxi Next, Enclave...

Yah, I\'ll say it again.  Xbox is my favorite system...

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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2002, 05:32:20 PM »
Wait ryu you are saying gamecube had good launch games but xbox didn\'t!?!?!?! Halo, Oddworld, DOA3, project gothem, madden 2002 were all high cailbur titles for the xbox at launch.

I already said Halo was totaly awesome, even though it was lacking key features I would have preffered it to have.  Read my review of it, on this forum no less, to see what I really think about it.  DOA3 was over-hyped garbage with it\'s DOA2 qualities.  Oddworld is summed up with the review posted on gamespot.com and Project Gotham is decent, but I don\'t like the gameplay aspect of it simply because I didn\'t think too highly of MSR, but it is good for not being another GT3 wannabe.  As for Madden, what console didn\'t have Madden besides the Dreamcast?  That covers all the launch games for the X-Box, but since you just LOVE to critique Nintendo, despite barely even touching a Gamecube, I\'ll critique their launch as well.

Luigi\'s mansion was quite surprising especially since my first impressions of the game were less than stellar to put it mildly.  Rogue Squadron 2 was amazing, especially since I\'m a huge Star Wars fan and I loathed the first Rogue Squadron for the N64.  Other than those two titles, they had Madden, big deal there, they had Waverace which I didn\'t enjoy in the slightest.  Monkeyball was alright, but I give it credit for being original in its concept, but design wise, it\'s a lot like Marble Madness.  Other than that, there wasn\'t anything else that really inspired me.  However, my opinions of launches are much lower than anyone elses because I know for a fact that the systems are new, the developers are still learning, and as time goes by, if I\'m not impressed by the second or third generation of games, then I\'m dissapointed with the system.

Plus, silent hill 2x is out for xbox I will be getting that next after I beat oddworld.

You list Silent Hill 2x as one of your anticipated titles?  If you read my review of that game, even on the PS2, I weep for people who enjoy it, but then again, DOA2 to DOA3 was about the same difference as SH2 to SH2x, I\'m just glad Konami had enough brains not to call SH2x on the X-Box SH3.

You like your gamecube more so thats fair. I just don\'t think nintendo should focus so much on kiddy games. It limits there audiences while mircosoft and sony goes your older games as well as kids can play there games too. I just saying nintendo could learn something from sony not to focus so much on kiddy games.

Rastalant, if you use the word "kiddy" and "mature" one more time, I\'m going to rip your damn head off and use it as a bowling ball.  You REFUSE to even explain what those two terms represent.  Even in this thread, WHERE I DIRECTLY asked you to explain WHAT kiddy and mature is, you IGNORE the question.  Is it that you can\'t explain what it is?  If that\'s the case, then say so and stop using the word as loosely as you do.  I hate people throwing around vocabulary when they don\'t even know what it means.  It\'s like a 3 year old saying "sh|t" because they heard their parents say it.  Until you explain what it is in an acceptable definition, then I hold your opinion as the lowest of the low, as if I respected you anyways after spewing the words so many times in other threads and making threads that directly belittle Nintendo anyways.

Bah, you\'re just a graphics whore and I\'m sick of all the BS I\'ve seen posted by you recently.
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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #35 on: January 01, 2002, 05:41:33 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu

Rastalant, if you use the word "kiddy" and "mature" one more time, I\'m going to rip your damn head off and use it as a bowling ball.  You REFUSE to even explain what those two terms represent.  Even in this thread, WHERE I DIRECTLY asked you to explain WHAT kiddy and mature is, you IGNORE the question.  Is it that you can\'t explain what it is?  If that\'s the case, then say so and stop using the word as loosely as you do.  I hate people throwing around vocabulary when they don\'t even know what it means.  It\'s like a 3 year old saying "sh|t" because they heard their parents say it.  Until you explain what it is in an acceptable definition, then I hold your opinion as the lowest of the low, as if I respected you anyways after spewing the words so many times in other threads and making threads that directly belittle Nintendo anyways.

Bah, you\'re just a graphics whore and I\'m sick of all the BS I\'ve seen posted by you recently.

Ryu.........I will define kiddy for you.  For example games like super smash bros that suppose to be nintendo\'s top fighter but all the characters are kiddy nintendo characters like pikakcu, mario, kirby, jugglypuff, and link. Another game celda I mean they changed link design to a powderpuff girl or something and as usual nintendo fans see nothing wrong with it.  I don\'t eat all the bull nintendo throws at me. Then that "quaitly over quanity" crap thats just an excuse for nintendo to be slow with there games, but stop!!!!!!!!  As usual nintendo fans see nothing wrong with that either.  Heck, if gamecube came out with one game a year you guys probably wouldn\'t say nothing.  Just another excuse to think of for nintendo flaws.  What I\'m saying if your 8 years old that game may appeal to you, but I\'m not and I prefer something like doa3, tekken, sc, or vf4.  I\'m not a graphics whore I just don\'t see why some of you people consider gamecube GOD.  I mean there a drought in games at the moment the next AAA title is months away so whats the big deal about it?  As for me I stated I think both ps2 and xbox are a way better system.  Thats why I got an xbox at launch they had games I wanted and it was a better system to me.  PS2 destorys the gamecube as well.  I just don\'t see all the hype for the system and it has barely any games out.  The few they got out aren\'t all that great.  My final opinion on this topic is xbox is a better system to me.
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Offline rastalant
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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2002, 05:50:41 PM »
Originally posted by Ginko
Some people can ***** about the most insignificant things!

Dead or Alive 3 is not only the best looking fighting game at the moment (and probably for some time), the gameplay is silky smooth.  I can\'t remember a fighting game that allows one to pull off the manuevers as quickly and easily as DOA3.  And yes, I can say the gameplay is improved over DOA2.  It\'s no longer a throwing match...

oh, and Gohan...

"So three games and games that will be released next year make this your favorite console ever? Whatever."

It\'s four... I mentioned Project Gotham, Halo, Dead or Alive 3, and Munch.  HHL Hitz and NFL Fever are good too! Let\'s see, Blood Wake and Silent Hill 2 are out... I\'ll be getting them both in about a week.

Oh, then Jet Grind Radio Future, Genma Onimusha and Gun Valkerie come out in Feb.  Then Unreal Championship, Wreckless, House of the Dead 3, and Sega GT 2002 are due in March.  Panzer Dragoon 4, Black and White, Brute Force, Malice, Crash, Crazy Taxi Next, Enclave...

Yah, I\'ll say it again.  Xbox is my favorite system...

You have some good point ginko.  Its strange it seems like people have a problem with us liking xbox.  Plus, all the games ginko named are all xbox games I want.  With gamecube I didn\'t see one game at launch I even wanted or interested me.  Plus, strange most the people that bash xbox probably doesn\'t have one or just played one game on an EB koisk.
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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2002, 06:03:42 PM »
I will define kiddy for you. For example games like super smash bros that suppose to be nintendo\'s top fighter but all the characters are kiddy nintendo characters like pikakcu, mario, kirby, jugglypuff, and link.

Two things, giving examples of characters does not define the word kiddy.  Secondly, try defining the word without using the word.  "Kiddy is Kiddy Nintendo characters."  That definition wouldn\'t work for anyone.  Check dictionary.com and show me where they define words by using the word as their definition.  It\'s like if I told a clueless person what a videogame console was by telling them "A videogame console is a videogame console."  It just doesn\'t work.

Finally, you\'re not a graphics whore?  Go look at the Malice thread with the two new pictures and tell me how you\'re not a graphics whore.  This game is on your must-have list despite the fact that you don\'t know anything about the gameplay, but rather somehow know that the PS2 couldn\'t handle the game like the X-Box and know that the game has "Great graphics."  If that isn\'t a prime definition of what a graphics whore is, then I don\'t know what is.
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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2002, 06:09:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu

Two things, giving examples of characters does not define the word kiddy.  Secondly, try defining the word without using the word.  "Kiddy is Kiddy Nintendo characters."  That definition wouldn\'t work for anyone.  Check dictionary.com and show me where they define words by using the word as their definition.  It\'s like if I told a clueless person what a videogame console was by telling them "A videogame console is a videogame console."  It just doesn\'t work.

Finally, you\'re not a graphics whore?  Go look at the Malice thread with the two new pictures and tell me how you\'re not a graphics whore.  This game is on your must-have list despite the fact that you don\'t know anything about the gameplay, but rather somehow know that the PS2 couldn\'t handle the game like the X-Box and know that the game has "Great graphics."  If that isn\'t a prime definition of what a graphics whore is, then I don\'t know what is.

Well the reason I said that is cause nintendo been known for kiddy games.  Heck, even  at spaceworld 2001 they admitted kids are there main audences whats so hard to understand.  As for malice that was the first xbox game I saw.  I was interested in it back in january of last year when they first unveiled the xbox.  I\'m just saying ps2 has beautiful graphics as well games like ttt, gt3, dmc, onimusha 2, FFX, and mgs2.  But so far I think xbox has better graphics to me thats all.
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« Reply #39 on: January 01, 2002, 06:16:59 PM »
So making kids your primary audience is what makes their games kiddy?  You said that children of all ages can enjoy PS2 and X-Box games, how come people of all ages can\'t enjoy GCN games?  Do you somehow think you are "too mature" for Nintendo?  If that\'s the case, then tell me how a person can be too mature for anything.  Hell, I know adults who say they are too mature for videogames in general and proclaim them as a whole, as toys.  So again, I ask you to define what kiddy and mature really is.  I just again saw you throw around the word in the Malice thread and yet still, you have not given a clear definition.  Very perplexing.
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« Reply #40 on: January 01, 2002, 06:22:55 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu
So making kids your primary audience is what makes their games kiddy?  You said that children of all ages can enjoy PS2 and X-Box games, how come people of all ages can\'t enjoy GCN games?  Do you somehow think you are "too mature" for Nintendo?  If that\'s the case, then tell me how a person can be too mature for anything.  Hell, I know adults who say they are too mature for videogames in general and proclaim them as a whole, as toys.  So again, I ask you to define what kiddy and mature really is.  I just again saw you throw around the word in the Malice thread and yet still, you have not given a clear definition.  Very perplexing.

Like I said nintendo at spaceworld admitted there main focus is kids.  Why do you think they changed zelda into celda?  To make it more for the kids. To make it look more like a cartoon.  So it would appeal to kids.  Yes everyone can enjoy gamecubes even adults, but thats not for me.  You may like it but I don\'t.  Thats why people got opinions.  You still haven\'t told me what makes gamecube so great and how does there current libary blow xbox\'s away?  I\'m waiting.......
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« Reply #41 on: January 01, 2002, 06:31:02 PM »
You still haven\'t told me what makes gamecube so great and how does there current libary blow xbox\'s away? I\'m waiting.......

You can keep waiting.  I never said the Gamecube blew away the X-Box launch, I simply said I had more games for it that were more fun.  As for what games, I already gave my X-Box and Gamecube impressions above.  You can wait for that response all you want, but the answer is all in this thread if you\'d take the time to read it.

Thats why people got opinions.

That\'s great.  You don\'t like Gamecube games and others do.  Yes, opinions are great things to have, but you toss around insults as if they were facts when in fact, you don\'t even know what those insults mean.  If you could just define what a mature game is or what a kiddy game is, then I\'d be happy, but after 4 replies, you still haven\'t done that yet.  Either define properly or stop using it, it\'s as simple as that.
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« Reply #42 on: January 01, 2002, 06:34:50 PM »
Wait, I\'ll do it. A kiddy game is geared towards kids and an adult game is geared towards adults.


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« Reply #43 on: January 01, 2002, 06:35:26 PM »
Originally posted by rastalant

Ryu.........I will define kiddy for you.  For example games like super smash bros that suppose to be nintendo\'s top fighter but all the characters are kiddy nintendo characters like pikakcu, mario, kirby, jugglypuff, and link. Another game celda I mean they changed link design to a powderpuff girl or something and as usual nintendo fans see nothing wrong with it.  I don\'t eat all the bull nintendo throws at me. Then that "quaitly over quanity" crap thats just an excuse for nintendo to be slow with there games, but stop!!!!!!!!  As usual nintendo fans see nothing wrong with that either.  Heck, if gamecube came out with one game a year you guys probably wouldn\'t say nothing.  Just another excuse to think of for nintendo flaws.  What I\'m saying if your 8 years old that game may appeal to you, but I\'m not and I prefer something like doa3, tekken, sc, or vf4.  I\'m not a graphics whore I just don\'t see why some of you people consider gamecube GOD.  I mean there a drought in games at the moment the next AAA title is months away so whats the big deal about it?  As for me I stated I think both ps2 and xbox are a way better system.  Thats why I got an xbox at launch they had games I wanted and it was a better system to me.  PS2 destorys the gamecube as well.  I just don\'t see all the hype for the system and it has barely any games out.  The few they got out aren\'t all that great.  My final opinion on this topic is xbox is a better system to me.

Ok so what makes the characters in cel damage and mad dash racing mature? Anyway IMO it does not matter if the game is so-called Kiddie so long as it\'s fun because that\'s why we play these games. Super smash bros.-melee may look kiddie but it sure is fun. I know when I\'m playing my girlfriend who beats my donkey kong with her zelda I become raging mad and I can\'t wait to go another round to beat the crap out of her and that\'s fun. So who cares if it looks kiddie because in my opinion the gameplay is not kiddie! As a matter of fact it can get quite intense. This is the same kind of intensity I feel when I play Tekken, SC2, etc.. so it\'s all the same to me. By the way have you even played SSBM? You might be pleasantly surprised. But then again maybe you might not be. It really all goes back to opinion and people\'s preferences for games. For me besides Halo the xbox did not offer anything else that I thought was so great. Halo in my opinion is downright awesome! But then again FPS have always been one of my top genres. But that\'s the whole point! It all goes back to preferences and opinions and if I didn\'t care for FPS I wouldn\'t even have given Halo a second look. But alas, I love FPS and that\'s why I\'m happy I have an XBox (given to me as a gift for christmas along with project gotham and fuzion frenzy).

However I think that some of your reasons for bashing Gamecube titles are wrong. For example, in your post you were about to define kiddie but all you replied with was "all the characters are kiddy nintendo characters like pikachu, mario, etc..." Again who cares about how it looks so long as it\'s fun?
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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #44 on: January 01, 2002, 06:37:38 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu

That\'s great.  You don\'t like Gamecube games and others do.  Yes, opinions are great things to have, but you toss around insults as if they were facts when in fact, you don\'t even know what those insults mean.  If you could just define what a mature game is or what a kiddy game is, then I\'d be happy, but after 4 replies, you still haven\'t done that yet.  Either define properly or stop using it, it\'s as simple as that.

I already told you.  Its like this whats makes barney(purple dinosaur) kiddy?  That show is made for kids cause of the material in the show for example just like nintendo games are aimed towards kids.  Due to the kiddy fantasy setting in a game like celda.  Just play something like luigi mansion and mgs2.  You will see the different.  Luigi mansion is more aimed towards kids due to the cute kiddy characters in the game oppose to something like mgs2 which has a real life time movie setting.  Just look at the theme of both games.  I don\'t toss my opinion around as fact.  I just say whats on my mind.
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