Wait ryu you are saying gamecube had good launch games but xbox didn\'t!?!?!?! Halo, Oddworld, DOA3, project gothem, madden 2002 were all high cailbur titles for the xbox at launch.
I already said Halo was totaly awesome, even though it was lacking key features I would have preffered it to have. Read my review of it, on this forum no less, to see what I really think about it. DOA3 was over-hyped garbage with it\'s DOA2 qualities. Oddworld is summed up with the review posted on gamespot.com and Project Gotham is decent, but I don\'t like the gameplay aspect of it simply because I didn\'t think too highly of MSR, but it is good for not being another GT3 wannabe. As for Madden, what console didn\'t have Madden besides the Dreamcast? That covers all the launch games for the X-Box, but since you just LOVE to critique Nintendo, despite barely even touching a Gamecube, I\'ll critique their launch as well.
Luigi\'s mansion was quite surprising especially since my first impressions of the game were less than stellar to put it mildly. Rogue Squadron 2 was amazing, especially since I\'m a huge Star Wars fan and I loathed the first Rogue Squadron for the N64. Other than those two titles, they had Madden, big deal there, they had Waverace which I didn\'t enjoy in the slightest. Monkeyball was alright, but I give it credit for being original in its concept, but design wise, it\'s a lot like Marble Madness. Other than that, there wasn\'t anything else that really inspired me. However, my opinions of launches are much lower than anyone elses because I know for a fact that the systems are new, the developers are still learning, and as time goes by, if I\'m not impressed by the second or third generation of games, then I\'m dissapointed with the system.
Plus, silent hill 2x is out for xbox I will be getting that next after I beat oddworld.
You list Silent Hill 2x as one of your anticipated titles? If you read my review of that game, even on the PS2, I weep for people who enjoy it, but then again, DOA2 to DOA3 was about the same difference as SH2 to SH2x, I\'m just glad Konami had enough brains not to call SH2x on the X-Box SH3.
You like your gamecube more so thats fair. I just don\'t think nintendo should focus so much on kiddy games. It limits there audiences while mircosoft and sony goes your older games as well as kids can play there games too. I just saying nintendo could learn something from sony not to focus so much on kiddy games.
Rastalant, if you use the word "kiddy" and "mature" one more time, I\'m going to rip your damn head off and use it as a bowling ball. You REFUSE to even explain what those two terms represent. Even in this thread, WHERE I DIRECTLY asked you to explain WHAT kiddy and mature is, you IGNORE the question. Is it that you can\'t explain what it is? If that\'s the case, then say so and stop using the word as loosely as you do. I hate people throwing around vocabulary when they don\'t even know what it means. It\'s like a 3 year old saying "sh|t" because they heard their parents say it. Until you explain what it is in an acceptable definition, then I hold your opinion as the lowest of the low, as if I respected you anyways after spewing the words so many times in other threads and making threads that directly belittle Nintendo anyways.
Bah, you\'re just a graphics whore and I\'m sick of all the BS I\'ve seen posted by you recently.