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Author Topic: Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!  (Read 4203 times)

Offline ajoh432
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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #45 on: January 01, 2002, 07:43:14 PM »
Xbox\'s games on the system launch looked bad to me.... All I wanted to play was Red Faction, err.. I mean Halo..

And GameCube looked like it had better games like Pikmin and SSBM... But still not enough fun games on either system yet... And Xbox\'s future looks bright. But I still think Xbox has nothing to offer.... yet....
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« Reply #46 on: January 01, 2002, 09:12:44 PM »
Rast, you are the same guy who argued with me months ago about how Ninja Gaiden was too mature for Nintendo\'s "kiddy image", even though the NES was home to the Ninja Gaiden trilogy.

What\'s my point to bringing that up? Simple. You hate Nintendo so much you are blind to any actual fact. All you can do is whine and cry about how Nintendo is too "kiddy" for you. Well, that\'s fine. Just spare us the constant trashing in each thread.

Oh and until you played Pikimin, you have no room to talk about how the GC lacks any great games.

Offline Eiksirf
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« Reply #47 on: January 01, 2002, 09:24:32 PM »
My head is going to fall off.

Rastalant, you have so much to say so while your mouth is still open, please put your foot in it.

I can\'t keep track of all the ridiculous things you\'ve said, but let me grab a couple:

I already told you. Its like this whats makes barney(purple dinosaur) kiddy? That show is made for kids cause of the material in the show for example just like nintendo games are aimed towards kids.

How about, no?  Barney is for kids because it teaches children numbers and how to get along.  Nintendo games are for kids because they don\'t have swearing, blood, sexual innuendos, etc.  What they do have is fun gaming suitable for young, old, mature, immature, kiddy, and grown-uppy.  Suitable for Everyone... except for you, apparently.

Why do you think they changed zelda into celda? To make it more for the kids. To make it look more like a cartoon. So it would appeal to kids.

Very good, except you\'re wrong.  Zelda was well into production with it\'s detailed 3D figures and moody environments before Miyamoto changed its direction.  He wanted more freedom.  He was increasingly unsettled by the games realistic feel.  He felt it stifled his creativity.  He likes his games to be fun and that\'s why he switched it up.  It gave him the creativity and freedom as an artist to inject humor and style in ways that would otherwise have been impossible.  For just a sample, download the movie of the game.  The enemies are animated over-the-top and Link even winks after winning.  It\'s fun and light-hearted, something that he couldn\'t do properly before.

What I\'m saying if your 8 years old that game may appeal to you, but I\'m not and I prefer something like doa3, tekken, sc, or vf4.

Firstly, thank you for telling me what appeals to me, but for the record, you\'re wrong.  

I\'m not 8 years old and many Gamecube games appeal to me.  I know you must be shocked, especially since some 8 year olds may indeed like the same games as me!

News flash: they\'re video games.  Eight year olds would love games like Tekken, GTA, and MGS, too.  Big deal.

Btw, whats the next big gamecube game coming out soon?

To be honest, I don\'t even know, Star Fox, maybe?  But on the same token, I don\'t care.

You see with so many good games out (I still haven\'t gotten to finish Wave Race - which I liked, Star Wars, or the expert levels in Super Monkey Ball.  I still have things to unlock in Super Smash Bros, and I\'d love to be able to play through Pikmin again.  I haven\'t gotten to enjoy Madden 2K2 with my friends, yet, and my parents actually like to watch me play Crazy Taxi.  All that and I\'m still thinking about picking up SSX Tricky.  Not to mention the fun I had with Luigi\'s Mansion.  Plus, I don\'t even have titles like THPS3 and ASB2K2.) I\'d say I have enough gaming to last me until the next big hit.

And by the way, how\'s Halo and that pretty button-mashing fighting game?

I just saying nintendo could learn something from sony not to focus so much on kiddy games.

What\'s that?  Were you talking about how out of the top twenty games for 2001, only one had an M rating?  Maybe you were talking about how with a host of E and occasional T rated games, Nintendo is consistently one of the- if not the- most profitable game developers in the world.  Or wait, maybe you\'re talking about how Nintendo has given its 2nd and 3rd party developers the green light to make whatever kind of games they want without having to pass it by Nintendo for approval.  Metroid, ED, Too Human, Resident Evil, what?


Anyway, I\'ll give credit where credit is due.  Through all your garbage, you did have one glimmer of actual thought:

Yes everyone can enjoy gamecubes even adults

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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #48 on: January 01, 2002, 11:39:18 PM »
By Rastalant. I just don\'t think nintendo should focus so much on kiddy games.
EXCUSE ME?!?! roflmao. So, what exatly do kiddy games entail? Is it blood and flesh hungry zombies chasing you while you have to blow their brains out constantly with your big ass sawn-off shotgun while blood spatters over walls and the like?  Because if it is, I\'d hate to see what and \'mature\' game involved..... If Nintendo is for Kiddies, then why have Capcom made this series (Resident Evil) exclusive to Nintendo? And why are they bringing out Eternal Darkness: Sanity\'s Requiem (which, btw, is the next big game, feb sometime), which is along that sorta line? pffttt, Kiddy indeed. And don\'t try and come back with \'blah blah Pikachu, blah blah Cel-da (which by the way, is actually called ZELda, so don\'t change it\'s name just because of the graphics, and lets face it, it\'s still going to be the best game ever no matter what it looks like)\', because the PSX had Tickle Me Elmo games for it, along with countless Disney titles. Oh and Perfect Dark Zero is definitely in development, so \'bye bye Halo\'!. moving on.......

X-Box has old quite a bit more than NGC.

Now we all know that this is a load of BS. But, for anyone who doesn\'t know, these are the OFFICIAL launch sale figures. X-Box- 556,000 consoles in 9 days. GCN- 700,000 consoles in 3 days. So, in one third the time, Nintendo sold 144,000 more consoles than Microsoft did. Hmmmmmm, quite a bit more indeed..........Nobody knows the up-to-date sales figures of X-Box or GCN, because official Quarter sales don\'t get released until the end of Feb, so NOBODY can say X-Box has sold more than GCN. but you CAN say GC beat X-Box hands down at launch.

DOA3 amazing is it? ROFLMAO! Soul Calibur will not just blow it out of the water, but it will obliterate it and send it flying into the Stratosphere to be disintegrated.

What i there GOOD that X-Box has lined up? I mean, come on, pretty much NOTHING! just look at GCN. Mario, Zelda (that\'s right, not Cel-da), Starfox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet. Metroid Prime, Perfect Dark 0, Resident Evil, Eternal Darkness, Soul Calibur, Kameo ahh I could go on forever, but i\'ll save you (Rastalant) from the humiliation.

Well, that\'s about all I have to say right now.
Oh, and don\'t say X-Box has BloodRayne (new name for BloodWake) lined up, because that\'s Gamecube confimed too :D

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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #49 on: January 02, 2002, 02:10:54 AM »
K for one cell shading does not turn a game into kiddy automatically

cartoons dont always equal quality entertainment for kids - sure zelda or celda as the GCphobic - rasta calls is now cell shaded - that doesnt make the material - which he or anyone here knows anything about is kiddy

i know plenty of anime with kiddy cartoon looks but with a mature or adult appeal - looks arent what you judge a game on and you need to learn that rasta - you judge kiddy games by stating they look kiddy - when thats not what defines it - then you say its content when you know nothing of content besides the games looks

anyway its not that people dont like you to like Xbox - just you one like it way too much too soon and two you like it for the wrong reasons

there thats that
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Offline Ginko
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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #50 on: January 02, 2002, 09:54:03 AM »
This is so funny...some of you have resorted to cheap shots.  

Like Eiksirf\'s

"And by the way, how\'s Halo and that pretty button-mashing fighting game?"

That was kinda dumb...Halo is great by the way.  Dead or Alive 3 is amazing.  If you would get past your fanboyism and actually play the game, you might have some fun (especially in Tag Team mode).


 "Oh and Perfect Dark Zero is definitely in development, so \'bye bye Halo\'!. moving on......."

Halo gone??!?! Yah, that\'ll happen! Have you even played Halo?  It\'s not going anywhere...

"What i there GOOD that X-Box has lined up? I mean, come on, pretty much NOTHING! just look at GCN. Mario, Zelda (that\'s right, not Cel-da), Starfox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet. Metroid Prime, Perfect Dark 0, Resident Evil, Eternal Darkness, Soul Calibur, Kameo ahh I could go on forever, but i\'ll save you (Rastalant) from the humiliation. "

You don\'t have to save me the humilation.  Bring it...

If you call- Jet Grind Radio Future, Crazy Taxi Next, House of the Dead 3, Sega GT 2002, Malice, Soul Calibur 2, Ridge Racer X, Black and White, Project Ego, Enclave, Wreckless, Unreal Championship, Lord of the Rings, Panzer Dragoon 4, Rallisport Racing, Yager, Ghost Recon, Brute Force, Maximum Chase, etc. NOTHING?  

While Gamecube does have an impressive lineup, Xbox has an equally astounding line of games coming this year.

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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #51 on: January 02, 2002, 10:51:07 AM »
Ginko, your credibility has been completely lost already, calling xbox the best system ever, even over your DC

Offline ajoh432
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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #52 on: January 02, 2002, 11:05:10 AM »
Originally posted by Ginko

You don\'t have to save me the humilation.  Bring it...

If you call- Jet Grind Radio Future, Crazy Taxi Next, House of the Dead 3, Sega GT 2002, Malice, Soul Calibur 2, Ridge Racer X, Black and White, Project Ego, Enclave, Wreckless, Unreal Championship, Lord of the Rings, Panzer Dragoon 4, Rallisport Racing, Yager, Ghost Recon, Brute Force, Maximum Chase, etc. NOTHING?  

While Gamecube does have an impressive lineup, Xbox has an equally astounding line of games coming this year.
Let me see..... Hmmm... Most of those games don\'t look fun or are already being played on another system..

Jet Grind Radio Future, Project Ego, Panzer Dragoon(I\'ll give you these.. Those look fun.)

Sega GT 2002, Malice, Soul Calibur 2, Ridge Racer X, Black and White, Unreal Championship, Rallisport Racing. (All are games that are same old.... Same old.. Just prettier graphics.. Ooooo..)

These are games I\'ll have to look into.. For I have no idea what they are about.. Or how they play:

Enclave, Wreckless, Yager, Ghost Recon, Brute Force, Maximum Chase.

Overall.. I dunno if I wanna own a Xbox yet.. Nothing too thrilling..
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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #53 on: January 02, 2002, 12:30:37 PM »
Ginko, your credibility has been completely lost already, calling xbox the best system ever, even over your DC

You all keep typing this like it matters...I like my Xbox, I think that\'s what bothers all of you.

Let me see..... Hmmm... Most of those games don\'t look fun or are already being played on another system..

I\'m sorry,  did you say don\'t look fun?   How bout you wait and reserve that judgement until you play them or at least they\'re out and about and have credible reviews.  Also, none of the games I mentioned are on other systems.  In fact, most of them are exclusive at the moment.

Sega GT 2002, Malice, Soul Calibur 2, Ridge Racer X, Black and White, Unreal Championship, Rallisport Racing. (All are games that are same old.... Same old.. Just prettier graphics.. Ooooo..)

Same old, same old... Ummm, just like Gran Turismo 3 is same old, same old?  Just prettier graphics.  The game is still fun, no?  The same applies to all the games I listed.  This could apply to all systems.  Watch...

Jak and Daxter- Banjo-kazooie without loadtimes and with prettier graphics.

Metal Gear solid 2-Metal Gear solid with more interaction and better graphics.

Dinosaur Planet- Zelda with different characters and atmosphere.

Super Smash Bros: Melee- Super Smash Bros. with more characters and better graphics.

Dead or Alive 3- Dead or Alive 2 with prettier graphics and a bit better fighting system.

Halo- everyother FPS but improved upon, oh and with better graphics.

FFX- every other ff game but with better graphics and a better gameplay setup.

So, I can apply your simpilistic point of view to all games on any system.  But, that would be stupid.

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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #54 on: January 02, 2002, 01:08:26 PM »
Originally posted by Ginko

"And by the way, how\'s Halo and that pretty button-mashing fighting game?"

That was kinda dumb...

That was right after I went on about all the games on GCN right now...  I think you missed the point.

I was comparing the list of many great GC games that are available to the handful for Xbox.  That\'s how I see it, anyway, and that\'s what I was expressing.

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« Reply #55 on: January 02, 2002, 01:14:05 PM »
We just have different points of view then...

Anyway, sorry for the misunderstanding.

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« Reply #56 on: January 02, 2002, 01:45:17 PM »
Heh, it\'s cool.

You\'re stretching it a bit in the \'same old, same old\' reply, though.

Fact is, you could draw comparisons from any current game to a game in the past just because there\'s been so many.

Luckily for us, these games can sometimes be major improvements and steps forward and that\'s what makes them new and fun again.

Sure there\'ve been games where you created an army and controlled them, but Pikmin improved the concept and took a few steps in a new direction and we\'ve got something fun.

The same could be said for MGS2, Halo, or any other game that\'s been a big hit.

To contrast, a game like Wave Race: Blue Storm, didn\'t differ much from its predecessor and that seems to have taken away almost all of the fun for people who didn\'t absolutely love the first one.

\"What are you supposed to be, a clown or something?\"

Offline ajoh432
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Xbox one of the best launches ever!!!
« Reply #57 on: January 02, 2002, 01:51:26 PM »
Originally posted by Ginko

I\'m sorry, did you say don\'t look fun? How bout you wait and reserve that judgement until you play them or at least they\'re out and about and have credible reviews. Also, none of the games I mentioned are on other systems. In fact, most of them are exclusive at the moment.
Just saying that nothing on the system so far intrests me...
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Offline BizioEE

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« Reply #58 on: January 02, 2002, 02:05:17 PM »
He has the power of both worlds
Girl: What power… beyond my expectations?
Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

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« Reply #59 on: January 02, 2002, 02:21:34 PM »
Soul Calibur 2(MULTIPLATFORM Uh-oh! Looks like you were wrong.)

"Also, none of the games I mentioned are on other systems."

Just misunderstood, they aren\'t on any systems yet...

" In fact, most of them are exclusive at the moment. " Most, not all as you see...

Jet Grind Radio Future(can you say... same thing only better?)

Jet Grind Radio Future looks like alot of fun.  I loved the first one, and the new one is based more on speed rather than painting.

, Crazy Taxi Next(getting old), House of the Dead 3(ehhh... what?), Sega GT 2002, Malice(smashin fun! YAY!)

I happen to enjoy all the above series...Malice looks like fun, I hope it turns out to be a good game.

, Ridge Racer X(already been done before)

I still think the series is fun...
Black and White(hmm.. guess we\'ll have to wait on this one... I doubt it will be anything great.)

Why? Looks promising.  The PC version is fun...

Project Ego, Enclave, Wreckless, Unreal Championship(yet... ANOTHER FPS, played enough of those already.)

But you haven\'t played through that one or any of the above which leaves you no room for judgement.

Lord of the Rings(based on a movie....hmm)

And this makes it a bad game already?

, Panzer Dragoon 4, Rallisport Racing(racing games are just getting old, we\'ve seen enough of these in the past.)

We\'ve also seen enough platform games, shooters, FPS, sports games...what\'s your point?

, Yager, Ghost Recon, Brute Force, Maximum Chase.(Isn\'t this a chairot weapon slashing game?.. Umm.... real fun there.)[/quote]

No the chairot racing game is something else.

Other than that,  I don\'t expect you to like the games that I am anticipating to see how they turn out.  Good? Bad?  I don\'t know yet and neither do you.  You are making assumptions on games that all of us know little about.  That\'s kinda short sighted if you ask me.


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