I got this idea from the thread about that old arcade racing game.
Rules are simple...
1) Game must be released in at least 2 continents.
2) Game can be for any console, arcade, or PC.
3) Try to provide the developer and/or publisher.
Just describe any game from memory without giving too much away. Whoever answers the previous one right can describe a new game.
Some old game for the NES in which you drove a jeep. It was 2 players. The jeep could shoot a machine gun and toss grenades. You could also fire missiles. After every level, there would be a cinema. Sometimes it was a shot of the jeep and the riders yelling "YEAH!!!" or the riders studying a map and asking "Here?".
I can\'t remember the name of this game. I think it was Konami or Ultra that made it. Could be wrong.