and it is just my opinion. I could care less, I just don\'t understand how people justify it. I have so many other things I want to do and have fun with well outside the world of VG\'s. I could never find the time or willingly part with the money it would take to own all systems. I\'d rather install a hot tub on my patio and improve my gardens surrounding sed patio.
That\'s good. You prefer to improve upon your house and go on vacations. What abotu the people who don\'t need to go anywhere? Who are comfortable where they live? Who save and save for months only to accumulate cash for no particular goal. Then, when they decide how to spend that money, it\'s their choice to decide what they want to spend it on. A new car, a new home, a vacation, what\'s left? What happens when you are perfectly content with staying where you are, you own the car you want and can easily afford the payments and the home you live in is suffiecient and contains anything and everything you could possibly need?
Games are my vacation and when they last me weeks at a time in between other activites I do, then I am on vacation for hours at a time everyday of the week. Sure, at times I can\'t play anything for a couple of days, but that\'s not a problem, it\'s my choice. Vacations are so limited to planning ahead, alotting the time, taking the time off, all types of restrictions that are so hard to work around that just planning them needs to be done weeks or months in advance. Look at your example for a trip to hawaii... You said in a few years you would be going... In my opinion, that\'s nothing to strive for. Ripping your guts out and working your ass off for 2 straight years to go away for one week of vacation? I\'m practically on vacation as often as I want to be and all it costs me at a time is a miniature investment, which costs far less than any trip to hawaii and lasts me a good four years. Consider all the consoles I buy and each fifty dollar game I pick up as a souvenir and the investment events out, except I spend more time having fun at least once a week, and at most, every day.
Clip is right, this is a hobby and I consider spending money on games as investments on time and fun and me enjoying my hobby. If that\'s something you can\'t fathom or understand, then I\'m sorry. Maybe you should ask yourself then why you play games at all if you can\'t see the point in us investing in them.
On a side note, I paid 45 dollars for Final Fantasy 7 and beat it 4 times at 25-75 hours a piece and then MGS2 4 times at 7-13 hours a piece and then I play Street Fighter religiously for about 4 hours a week. That\'s just 3 games and the time I have invested in each of them at 45 bucks a piece for 150 dollars total, I consider all that time well worth it. Why you don\'t see that is beyond me. I didn\'t mean to turn this into some life philosphy debate or try to tell you how to live, but when you knock what I enjoy as a hobby, you do a diservice not only to me, but to the millions of other gamers out there like me and to this whole forum in general. I thought the whole purpose of this site was to debate what we all love, videogames, and not to question that fact. I just think it\'s a bit hypocritacle of you, being a game player yourself, to question why we do something for fun when we just do it more than yourself.
It sort of sounds like you consider yourself as the model image of a game player and how all game players should be and anything moreso beyond how you do it is just wrong or should be questioned. It just sounds very strange.