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Author Topic: How will PS2 do?  (Read 1462 times)

Offline burbecks
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How will PS2 do?
« on: January 24, 2002, 10:06:16 AM »
I\'m just about to buy a PS2 & I was wondering how it will do against X-Box & GC  - what does everyone think???
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How will PS2 do?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2002, 10:12:47 AM »
the PS2 is selling more than the xbox and the Gc combined.
the "race" is over, and PS2  won it

now xbox and gc will fight for scraps, err 2nd place
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How will PS2 do?
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2002, 10:29:14 AM »
Buy a PS2 now. It has great looking game now. One of the best is Grand turismo 3.  The best racer ever made!  Meltal Gear Solid 2, Ace Combat 4 and J&D are great too.  PS2 will do fine even if the Xbox and GameCube is out.  Look at PSone, did it die yet? Nope it still is stronger.   :D
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How will PS2 do?
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2002, 10:46:45 AM »
Get a PS2 the now , and if you want a second console play it safe a wait to see who will win between X box and the Gamecube.

or wait a few weeks and get a PS2 with a promised price drop to £170.


Remember 27+ million PS2 owners cant be wrong !
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How will PS2 do?
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2002, 11:35:17 AM »
PS2 will not go away, and don\'t expect Xbox or GC to either.

All the consoles have amazing line ups, although I haven\'t to much an idea of what PS2 has for this year...

Any thoughts?

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How will PS2 do?
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2002, 11:56:19 AM »
If you want to play online, go with the xbox, it\'s cheaper (once you consider the PS2\'s addons) and has a clear online plan.

If you have no desire to play online, buy the console that has the games you want because all three are going to be around in 3 years.
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Re: How will PS2 do?
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2002, 01:43:32 PM »
Originally posted by burbecks
I\'m just about to buy a PS2 & I was wondering how it will do against X-Box & GC  - what does everyone think???

I have a Dreamcast, PS2 ,and an X-box. I will be getting a gamecube when the Resident Evil series comes out for that format. I am 42 years old and I have been gaming for 30 years. I have owned just about every system there is. If you want the system with the biggest selection of games , the buy a PS2. But if you are paitent, and you want the most powerfull smooth running gaming system I have ever seen, then buy the X-box. In time The X-box will build it\'s library of games and will leave the slower, weaker, and sluggish PS2 behind. Don\'t get me wrong the PS2 is a good system, it\'s just no longer the "Best" system. Once GTA3 comes out for the X-box i won\'t have any reason to use my PS2.
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How will PS2 do?
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2002, 01:50:30 PM »
Originally posted by pstwo
Buy a PS2 now. It has great looking game now. One of the best is Grand turismo 3.  The best racer ever made!   :D

I have to disagree with you on that one. I have a PS2 and An X-Box. I have compared Grand Turismo 3 Head to head with Project Gotham racing. Project Gotham racing blows it away. It looks better, it runs better, and for starters you can play your own tunes while playing the game.

Don\'t feel bad about owning a PS2, it\'s not a bad system, It\'s just no longer the "best" system. So ,you couldn\'t wait for the X-box and you made the wrong choice, that\'s ok. Save up your money and get the X-box too, then you can experience real gaming the way it\'s supposed to be. So after you get your X-box you will see that your PS2 is collecting dust, if it were not for Grand theft auto 3 i know mine would. So next month when GTA3 comes to the X-box with it\'s special X-box only features ,I will retire my PS2.
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How will PS2 do?
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2002, 02:12:19 PM »
"I am 42 years old and I have been gaming for 30 years"

Welcome to the forum!  

:laughing:  I\'m 33 and been playing video games since PONG.  I have a Xbox too with Project Gotham racing, Halo, Max Payne, NFL Fever, NBA Inside Drive, DOA3 and Oddworld and I still think GT3 is much better looking game.  Look at the back grounds on GT3. Go in the japan city race and look at the buildings.  It looks much cleaner looking buildings with see-thur glass that reflects.  Project Gotham Racing has some nice buildings too but I hate the fog racing levels. Sometimes my kids say I\'m to old to play games but hey its a hoby   :D
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How will PS2 do?
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2002, 03:02:15 PM »
What\'s with these trolls all of a sudden?

NPYYZ, go away quietly.  How many times have we heard: "I own every system ever and the xbox is the best.  My PS2 is collecting dust."  Please don\'t say any more, don\'t try to make your next post less trollish, don\'t try to be the ass that you are, just go away and enjoy your xbox.

If I had to make a decision, I\'d say PGR over GT in graphics, but it is so close and each game does certain things better that it really doesn\'t matter.  To say one game blows the other away is ridiculous and wrong.  It\'s preference, what you tend to notice and what you don\'t.  I can\'t argue with someone that says GT looks better because it\'s so close it can go either way.

The fog in PGR is there for atmosphere not to cover up draw distence.  A little variety never hurts--it definitely ups the challenge.
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How will PS2 do?
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2002, 03:46:05 PM »
Originally posted by Watchdog
NPYYZ, go away quietly.  How many times have we heard: "I own every system ever and the xbox is the best.  My PS2 is collecting dust."  Please don\'t say any more, don\'t try to make your next post less trollish, don\'t try to be the ass that you are, just go away and enjoy your xbox.

Could you be any more ignorant.  You are the ass in this debate, everyone on the forum, especially in the console debate section are allowed to their own opinion. Yes you can disagree with it, which was what you did, but you dont have the right to degrade a member. If thats how you are i suggest that you are the one who should leave.

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How will PS2 do?
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2002, 03:48:28 PM »
here, lemme settle it


now let it rest

oh and npyyz, :rolleyes: , and :rolleyes:  for full effect
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How will PS2 do?
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2002, 06:05:45 PM »
No, this is a place for intelligent debate.  Garbage like this from close minded people like that aren\'t speaking from a position of authority--they don\'t have both consoles, they just lash out and spew regurgitated material that we\'ve all heard a thousand times.

These are the kinds of people that post thread and thread of console comparison pics, start flame wars and are a general nuisance.

Why are these people always that ones that get banned?  Remember Jumpman?  They aren\'t interested in a dabate.

Why is it that it\'s always people with less than half a dozen posts that spam crap like this?  If you want to deal with people like that, that\'s fine, but I don\'t and will speak my mind.
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How will PS2 do?
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2002, 06:11:49 PM »
Originally posted by Watchdog
What\'s with these trolls all of a sudden?

NPYYZ, go away quietly.  How many times have we heard: "I own every system ever and the xbox is the best.  My PS2 is collecting dust."  Please don\'t say any more, don\'t try to make your next post less trollish, don\'t try to be the ass that you are, just go away and enjoy your xbox.

If I had to make a decision, I\'d say PGR over GT in graphics, but it is so close and each game does certain things better that it really doesn\'t matter.  To say one game blows the other away is ridiculous and wrong.  It\'s preference, what you tend to notice and what you don\'t.  I can\'t argue with someone that says GT looks better because it\'s so close it can go either way.

The fog in PGR is there for atmosphere not to cover up draw distence.  A little variety never hurts--it definitely ups the challenge.

Believe me Mr watchdog I am enjoying my x-box. It\'s fuuny how I express my opinion without name calling and attacking anyone , yet you have to resort to calling me an ass because you disagree. It seems like alot of PS2 owners have a hair acroos their ass about other gaming consoles. I can;t for the life of me understand why. Both The PS2 and the X-box are great systems, however if i could have only one system it would be the x-box.

Another thing I don\'t consider my post trolish at all , this is a console debate forum is it not?

Try going to the X-box.com message section, look and see how many childish PS2 owners are posting mindless garbage over there. I didn\'t come here for a fight, I came here to talk gaming. If it\'s a fight you want myself and the X-box have all the ammo we need.

Also as far as my PS2 collecting dust I do still play Code Veronica and Grand theft auto 3 on it. But as i said before when Grand theft auto 3 comes out on the X-box, and when I finish Code Veronica I will most likely just use the X-box. My Daugher likes the PS2 so She can have that.
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Re: Re: How will PS2 do?
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2002, 06:13:00 PM »
Originally posted by NPYYZ

Once GTA3 comes out for the X-box i won\'t have any reason to use my PS2.

You might be waiting there a while, sorry, but its not coming to xbox.  A couple gaming sites already confirmed it

Oh and NPYYZ, your *****ing at a fellow xbox fan, I would say hes the most respected xbox fan on this site, so don\'t go spewing that whole PS2 fan ****


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