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Author Topic: Genma Onimusha Review at Gamespot  (Read 870 times)

Offline rastalant
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Genma Onimusha Review at Gamespot
« on: January 28, 2002, 04:17:40 PM »
It got an 8.7


This part here is interesting.......
"Genma Onimusha is such a refined version of the game that it\'s almost worth picking up even if you\'ve already played through the original. - Joe Fielder "

I may check it out even though i have the ps2 version.  I\'ll rent it at least.  

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Genma Onimusha Review at Gamespot
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2002, 05:48:59 PM »
Great review at Gamespot.  I haven\'t played Onimusha on the PS2.    

by Gamespot"While the largest change from the original version of Onimusha is the new kind of soul energy, there are a host of minor improvements. For instance, Genma Onimusha boasts new enemies, areas, costumes, and cutscenes; Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound; more enemies onscreen at a time; and a burst attack, which can be used to perform a charged-up super attack on opponents.

  Though graphical standards have been raised much higher over the last year and a half, Onimusha is still one of the best-looking games of its type, with its lush and varied rendered backgrounds, incredible CG sequences, in-game story sequences which look better than the CG sequences you\'ll find in some other games, and numerous impressive little graphical effects, like enemies that explode into bloody smoke when they die or the green glow that trails the eyes of the zombie ninja.

  The Xbox version of the game is sharper looking than its PlayStation 2 counterpart, but since it was ported rather than built from the ground up specifically for the Xbox, it doesn\'t quite push the system\'s graphical limits."

WOW! Now more more enemies onscreen at a time, sharper looking too.  Humm  we are in for some treats.  ;)
G.R.A.W 2
My MP7A1

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Genma Onimusha Review at Gamespot
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2002, 05:52:20 PM »
Pstwo if you haven\'t played onimusha yet your going to like this.  Cause I thought onimusha was one of the best ps2 games.  You should check it out with the xbox version being enchanced.
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Genma Onimusha Review at Gamespot
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2002, 07:07:38 PM »
That is all fine and dandy, \'cept one thing. The game didn\'t actually need any new "burst attack" to make it easier - as a moron could beat the game. What the game needed was  a lot of either 1) levels / scenes or 2) a BUNCH of secert stuff. I\'m a Capcom whore, but by all means Onimusha could be beat within under three hours!!! I\'m sure I\'ll pick it up just because its Capcom and I collect their stuff , but let it be known I am not happy about this crap. Onimusha 2 better be  A LOT Longer, otherwise I\'m going to start sending mass hatemails....



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