IronFist that was a great article! It\'s from MSnbc so I knew it would lean to Xbox more but there are good points on hardware, software, marketing etc of the consoles. MS knew before he went in this video gaming business what it take to become success. He took all the good elements of the pass and plan it right to the point that it will work long term.
1) Have the supplies ready.
2) Breaking games on any console.
3) Big promotions to get the word out of the Xbox. Taco Bell, Doritos. (these are eatable items that will be lying around the place and can still self advertise the Xbox.)
4) Have a built in HardDrive for future use.
5) Online ready. And no BS bring it to the table!
6) World wide marketing.
7) Exclusive games. (Xbox only)
8) Huge developers list 250+ and ongoing!
9) Xbox ease programmable.
There must be more but I have to look at other forums now. But I can see that if MS keep have a great marketing, supplies and breaking games no time it will be in the number 1 spot. Like Watchdog said,
"You look at the arcs of the two consoles at the 3 month mark. Which console is preforming/preformed better? I\'d say xbox hands down"[/b]
That what I look at too. Pound for pound.