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Author Topic: Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)  (Read 3565 times)

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2002, 07:41:37 AM »
( I will not get into why, the reasons are obvious. NO flames please)


:fro: toot on

yes...yes im bored

Offline rastalant
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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2002, 08:43:44 AM »
Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware

yeah, way to be constructive...twit :rolleyes:

Yeah.....whatever....i wasn\'t even talking to you.....moron.
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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2002, 08:47:06 AM »
Hmmmm. . . .

Article by MSNBC. . . .

Hmmmm. . . .

MS. . . .

Hmmmm. . . .

Wonder why this article would embellish the XBox. . .

Hmmmm. . . . .

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2002, 08:53:49 AM »
Originally posted by rastalant
Yeah.....whatever....i wasn\'t even talking to you.....moron.

well, i was pretty much joking, but if you wanna make something of it...

first of all, you started a whole other thread completely about it, then you come in here (chances are) you havent read over the article in full, notice one small mention of the RE series and decide to swirve off the intended topic and try and discuss something you just made an entire post about!...moron  :p

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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2002, 09:06:11 AM »
Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware

well, i was pretty much joking, but if you wanna make something of it...

first of all, you started a whole other thread completely about it, then you come in here (chances are) you havent read over the article in full, notice one small mention of the RE series and decide to swirve off the intended topic and try and discuss something you just made an entire post about!...moron  :p

Hmmmmm........i already read the whole article but i just thought that part there was the most important.
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Offline Terry Bogard
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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2002, 09:15:12 AM »
Originally posted by rastalant

Hmmmmm........i already read the whole article but i just thought that part there was the most important.

And all you care about is your pathetic Xbox?  Come on, Oh if Xbox is in 2nd, thats where its going to stay. Nintendo will crumble from this No.  Whats most important is........

People who have a particular Console preference will get the games that they wish to play. Who cares about the war, or how many consoles sold. Its all about the games IMO. Does anyone really really care about how many units sold over a kick ass game coming out to each system?  So whos winning the war. SONY of course.  Who has the better games SONY of course. I know this may be making me sound like a bias Sony fanboy, but, I own an Xbox, so that renders the fanboy part obselete. I\'m just saying, from the facts I read over the past weeks over game sales. Sony is brining it in. Not MS. Oh, and don\'t say DOA3 is a AAA game, even though the reiveiwers like it, because DOA3 isn\'t an AAA game, its just DOA 2 pretty. Wheres Xbox\'s other AAA game besides Halo?  Hmm, I mean, Come on, PS2 has alot more AAA games then Xbox will its first year out.

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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2002, 09:36:29 AM »
Originally posted by Terry Bogard

And all you care about is your pathetic Xbox?  Come on, Oh if Xbox is in 2nd, thats where its going to stay. Nintendo will crumble from this No.  Whats most important is........

People who have a particular Console preference will get the games that they wish to play. Who cares about the war, or how many consoles sold. Its all about the games IMO. Does anyone really really care about how many units sold over a kick ass game coming out to each system?  So whos winning the war. SONY of course.  Who has the better games SONY of course. I know this may be making me sound like a bias Sony fanboy, but, I own an Xbox, so that renders the fanboy part obselete. I\'m just saying, from the facts I read over the past weeks over game sales. Sony is brining it in. Not MS. Oh, and don\'t say DOA3 is a AAA game, even though the reiveiwers like it, because DOA3 isn\'t an AAA game, its just DOA 2 pretty. Wheres Xbox\'s other AAA game besides Halo?  Hmm, I mean, Come on, PS2 has alot more AAA games then Xbox will its first year out.

I like xbox and ps2 so it doesn\'t make a difference to me.  I like all the xbox games that i own and I\'m enjoying the consoles.  Sony may be ruling the charts but xbox is doing pretty good for its first try in the market.  Xbox is pathetic?  Nah............i just don\'t think you like them thats all.  Xbox rules..........
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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2002, 09:40:14 AM »
Originally posted by Terry Bogard
People who have a particular Console preference will get the games that they wish to play. Who cares about the war, or how many consoles sold. Its all about the games IMO. Does anyone really really care about how many units sold over a kick ass game coming out to each system?  So whos winning the war. SONY of course.

You were doing so well up until here...

Who has the better games SONY of course.

A good game is all in opinion, so this can\'t be argued...

Sony is brining it in. Not MS.

I heard MS is doing pretty well for a brand new cosole entry...

Oh, and don\'t say DOA3 is a AAA game, even though the reiveiwers like it, because DOA3 isn\'t an AAA game, its just DOA 2 pretty.

What makes an AAA game?  Graphics? Gameplay? A combination of both?  Reviews (which are just published opinons)?

What would you say are the PS2 AAA games?  Wouldn\'t you agree in saying that it comes down to preference and opinion and you have no arguement here.

Wheres Xbox\'s other AAA game besides Halo?  Hmm, I mean, Come on, PS2 has alot more AAA games then Xbox will its first year out.

Would you care to name the "AAA" titles that came out within PS2\'s first 11 weeks?  Please do...

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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2002, 09:50:55 AM »
At this time in the PS2 dev cylcle, the xbox has better games and is selling approximately the same.

DOA3 is an AAA game.  GT3 is GT pretty woth some enhancements.  But noone doubts that it\'s an AAA game.

Of course Sony is winning, but I don\'t think anyone expected MS to do this well.  So well that we can actually have this argument.  So well that it has many people around here scared to death that they might have made the wrong choice (read: fanboys).

You look at the arcs of the two consoles at the 3 month mark.  Which console is preforming/preformed better?  I\'d say xbox hands down.  It is foolish to think that xbox will ever catch up to PS2\'s sales to date, but I don\'t think that is what is significant.  If the xbox can outsell month to month (which it\'s not by the way) or equal the PS2 in sales, then that is a victory for MS.

And that scenario is not out of the realm of possibility.  If things go right with MS\'s online plans and if thier upcoming games are as good as they look, we could see MS make huge sales.

Who would have thought xbox would outsell GC?  Not me.  I\'m willing to bet that I could be surprised again.
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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2002, 09:53:19 AM »
 Oh, and don\'t say DOA3 is a AAA game, even though the reiveiwers like it, because DOA3 isn\'t an AAA game, its just DOA 2 pretty.

Lol!!!!!!  Where did you get that from?  Sure you make not like doa3 but the reviewer and I consider it a triple A title.  Halo another triple A title sure you may have something against the xbox but I\'m enjoying so that all that matter to me.  Uhhhhhh...........whats wrong with you? OF course ps2 is going to have more triple A titles the system been out for almost 2 years in japan!!!!!
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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2002, 10:27:41 AM »
duh.. PS2 is currently winning, but that doesn\'t mean Xbox isn\'t catching up.. Cause they are/will.
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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2002, 11:01:02 AM »
well xbox could catch up but not if it is ill-fated in japan

and from the looks of things its not gonna happen - comments from people and mags in japan have not been very reassuring

xbox will do ok in the states but in other places i begin to wonder

in any sense what makes a triple A game - that would be the just of the public opinion - that means what most people think not just one person because opinions vary that way

and there were a few AAA for PS2 at launch as were there for Xbox and GC - its no big deal - good games take time and launchs are usually rushed
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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2002, 11:45:41 AM »
IronFist that was a great article!  It\'s from MSnbc so I knew it would lean to Xbox more but there are good points on hardware, software, marketing etc of the consoles.  MS knew before he went in this video gaming business what it take to become success.  He took all the good elements of the pass and plan it right to the point that it will work long term.  

1) Have the supplies ready.
2) Breaking games on any console.
3) Big promotions to get the word out of the Xbox.  Taco Bell, Doritos. (these are eatable items that will be lying around the place and can still self advertise the Xbox.)
4) Have a built in HardDrive for future use.
5) Online ready. And no BS bring it to the table!
6) World wide marketing.
7) Exclusive games. (Xbox only)
8) Huge developers list 250+ and ongoing!
9) Xbox ease programmable.

There must be more but I have to look at other forums now.  But I can see that if MS keep have a great marketing, supplies and breaking games no time it will be in the number 1 spot. Like  Watchdog said,

"You look at the arcs of the two consoles at the 3 month mark. Which console is preforming/preformed better? I\'d say xbox hands down"[/b]

That what I look at too.  Pound for pound.
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Who\'s Winning the Console War? (An article from MSNBC)
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2002, 12:29:14 PM »
what they fail to mention, is that sony has already won the "console war"

the xbox and GC can vie for 2nd place, but thats about it
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Interesting Read
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2002, 02:12:36 PM »
The Good:

RE may head to PS2. Good not because I want it but to stop the sobbing of the PS2 fans that were looking forward to it.

Nintendo rethinking Zelda. Safe to say, no ones gonna miss that retro version of Link. Later you little freak!

The Bad:

Shameless MS slanted self promotion. Omission of official PS magazine editor being a glaring example. I suppose they might of had an interview but in answer to the first question the editor couldn\'t stop laughing. Who knows?

The Ugly: Tecmo mouthpiece fires another shot at PS2. Last generation??? Even a DC fan should be insulted by that remark. Sure isn\'t making any new friends talking like that. I can\'t wait to see that be-atch come groveling back to Sony.  


To the Xmen clowns;

I find it very ironic you\'re on a PS2 forum talking about PS2 fanboys being sOooooo worried they made the right choice. Now, why are you here again? Some of us have gotten wind of the box and aren\'t into your tuna. Isn\'t that okay? Talk trash in our house and you\'ve got to expect some feedback. Tha\'s all there is to it.

We\'ve matched lists of AAA launch titles over and over. At best an honest xbox lover gets a draw. My own list piles on all the PSone 3A titles. I know you can\'t afford to acknowledge their power but that awesome library helped to sell a major number of PS2s. Get over it.

And please stop trying to feed us the MS line xbox did better than anyone expected. I heard from Billy boys own mouth a week before launch they expected xbox would be a sold out for the next several months. Didn\'t quite happen, did it?



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