no my point is that your a claim you can pick any five games from that mediocre list of X-Box games (most of those you wouldnt have heard of, nor would anyone in a million years play) and claim they will be the best in the genre on any console!! do you not realize how stupid what you just said is and how that is not inteligent discussion about X-Box but mindless fanboyism??
you havent been trying to make a point dammit! your a stupid fanboy with no idea what is going on in the console industry. i have a hard time believe a 30+ year old man can be this stupid and this immature, and this lame... pathetic
first of all, when you ask a question you finish it with a question mark, not an exclamation point. Second of all, you have been dishing out my medicine, but to yourself, you dont realise how many members im talking to via. instant messenger are laughing at your stupidity, do you??
sad little man..