You\'re a turd. :P LOL
Since the other thread is closed, I just thought I\'d tell you here that no, I don\'t swallow since Pootietang has nothing to swallow. If you\'re looking for information on how to please you BF Docwiz, try some homosexuality newsgroup.. don\'t bring your sick troll love here.
Oh.. and Max Payne on the Xbox sucks. The PC version is, and will always be, the superior version for two outstanding reasons, among others. Mods and Total Conversions. If you weren\'t such a numbnuts Xbox zealot, maybe you would have figured that out before wasting 40 dollars on a game with only half the functionality of it\'s counterpart.
Ooohhh oh oh oh!!! But it\'s on Xbox!!! The most fastest, bestest, heaviestst, purtyiest, most jizzarific console ever!!! :rolleyes: