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Author Topic: Xbox updates News:  (Read 2501 times)

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« on: February 19, 2002, 03:28:34 AM »

WOW! Look at that floor!  :p

Inside the meeting place where it was standardized with the light/write of the Xbox green. Also " Xbox special edition " of the Japanese limitation sale and the peripheral device et cetera of sale schedule were displayed.

At the Q-FRONT 5 floor of Tokyo & Shibuya, the Microsoft consumer game machine which is sold on the 22nd, immediately before the selling the Xbox experience meeting is held from February 19th to February 21st. In at this experience event which is entitled the " Xbox Experiencec@shibuya ", are sold \' the vision demon ogre worrior \' (the ƒJƒvƒRƒ“) and \' JSRF jet set radio future \' (Sega) and the like 11 titles are exhibited simultaneously with the Xbox itself. In addition, \' the Air Force delta II \' (ƒRƒiƒ~) and \' DOUBLE S.T.E.A.L. \' (The ‚Ô is the corporation) and the like the specially installed booth and the like which can experience the title of 5.1 channel correspondences being prepared, it is possible to enjoy the charm of the Xbox.

As for being announced anew at the meeting place, the ‚Á which means that from media QUEST is sold \' the castle of type God \' from thing and Microsoft where sale day from February 28th is modified on March 14th is sold \' the HALO \' the Japanese domestic sale day decided on April 25th, it is.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2002, 08:05:01 PM by pstwo »
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« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2002, 03:30:37 AM »
me wonders if it will come close to half what the PS2 sold in 10 days in japan, one million

are they even shipping 500,000 units?
that would be quite a gamble
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« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2002, 03:51:17 AM »
Zat place looks veri radioaktive. I\'m afreid zat ze peeple vill leave wit a halo of zeir öwn, want zey it or not.

Personally, I don\'t like the green color scheme... I prefer blue. PS2 blue :D

By the way, what\'s The Vision Demon Ogre Worrior like, I\'ve never heard of it before?
« Last Edit: February 19, 2002, 03:54:24 AM by Hawke »
Signature space for sale! First come first serve!

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« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2002, 06:13:12 AM »

Ding Dong

Someone get me that Red Heads phone number pritty please.


// i wonder if SHE comes with the X box .........hmmmm gates could be onto a winner is she is.
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« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2002, 06:31:27 AM »
Originally posted by ooseven

Ding Dong

Someone get me that Red Heads phone number pritty please.


// i wonder if SHE comes with the X box .........hmmmm gates could be onto a winner is she is.

That redhead could be some skinny crossdressing man for all you know.
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my

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« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2002, 06:37:46 AM »
Originally posted by GmanJoe

That redhead could be some skinny crossdressing man for all you know.

yeah your right i could be £300 out of pocket (price of a UK X box) and lumbered with a skinny crossdressing man who likes to ware leather shorts.

i be as well to change my name to NPYYZ and have done with it.
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« Last Edit: February 19, 2002, 11:11:40 AM by pstwo »
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« Last Edit: February 21, 2002, 11:53:23 AM by pstwo »
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« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2002, 10:23:15 AM »

Special thanks to TeamXbox for the info.   I think this title looks and sounds great.  :p        

If you haven\'t been keeping up with the onging development of Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, you should probably pay a bit better attention to what goes on around here. Morrowind is one of the most anticipated titles due out this spring and fans of the RPG genre are certainly in for a heck of a game with this one. We asked Todd Howard of Bethesda Softworks some questions to dig deeper into what is in store for gamers when Morrowind hits the shevles. If you think you\'ve played a few RPGs in your time, you don\'t miss out on this one.

Please tell us your role in the development of this game and your history in the gaming industry.  

Todd H: I\'m the Project leader, I oversee the entire game\'s development and guide the team on what the game needs to do and how we can do it. I\'ve been with Bethesda since 1994 and had a hand in a number of our past Elder Scrolls titles as well as designing our last few Terminator games. Before joining Bethesda I did some pretty bad windows games, and used to make lots of Apple2 demos.

What is the initial storyline of Morrowind? How do players start the game?  

Todd H: One of the things we wanted to do with Morrowind was get you playing right away, and RPGs can usually start very slow, since you can go through a long character creation process, so with Morrowind, you actually play the character creation. You get released from a prison ship, and you create your character as you answer questions other characters give you. I was inspired by Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, as well as System Shock 2. Both have great intros and creation processes that really lead you into the game.

Action/RPG games usually focus on a pretty complex control scheme; can you shed some light on how players will be able to utilize the Xbox controller for your upcoming title?  

Todd H: Since it\'s a first person game, it plays like others, such as Halo, with similar controls, at least when you run around and kill stuff. The left stick moves you and the right stick looks around, triggers attack and jump. Switching inventory and magic are done through your menus, so the game pauses when you bring them up and you can go through your stats, all your items, view a map, select magic and all of that. We\'ve tweaked the control so it\'s as fluid as possible.

  Reading up on previews and news articles, it seems that the PC version of Morrowind may have an advantage over the Xbox version; can you say anything to ensure gamers to purchase your title on the Xbox?  
Todd H: It many ways it\'s easier to play it on Xbox, since the control can be so tweaked for the Xbox controller. It\'s little things like complete analog movement and streamlined menus. The PC\'s major advantage is what comes with the game, and that\'s The Elder Scrolls Construction Set, which lets you create mods for the game. Other than that, the game content is the same. Oh, and the Xbox version does Dolby Digital, which goes a long way toward a cool experience.

Free roaming and absolute liberty are a large focus of Morrowind. Can you tell us how the sub-quests will work? Will players encounter people that will ask them do complete tasks, or will they up on the screen at any given time?  

Todd H: There are hundreds of quests, and the people who offer them are all over, they just don\'t pop up on the screen, you find them yourself, at taverns, or guilds. Some are waiting along roads, some others are escaped slaves. Anything and everything. I\'ve easily been in the middle of 5 different quests when I\'ve played, and I\'ll just ignore them all for a while to go dungeon romping, so it\'s really up to you to do whatever you want.

In terms of items and characters, can you give us ballpark figures of how many the player will come by along the game?  

Todd H: Items? Easily 1000 different items. NPCs are over 2000. It\'s crazy huge. Even we didn\'t realize how much stuff there was until we started playing. We may have overdone it. It\'s BIG.

"Even we didn\'t realize how much stuff there was until we started playing. We may have overdone it."

Each village has been specifically designed with its villagers in mind, but nobody has really mentioned if a certain race of people can be found everywhere, or are they only available inside their local region?  

Todd H: Well, the Dark Elves are pretty much everywhere. Some of the settlements are Imperial by nature and are friendlier towards all races, so you\'ll see a better mixture at those places. But since Morrowind is the land of the Dark Elves, about half the people in the game are dark elven.

Does the player\'s character age at all throughout the game, or does he remain the same?  

Todd H: He remains the same, though some of that is explained if you do the main quest, plus with so many assets and types of characters you can make, it would be very hard to age your character. Someone added up all the different characters you could make and it was something like 4 billion.

What kind of actions can be utilized with weapons during combat? Does every weapon and item result in the same move(s) while in battle?  

Todd H: All weapons are rated in three attack types; chop, slash, and thrust. Every weapon can do the moves, but some are much better than others. Such as spears, which really do a lot of damage when thrusted, but not much when used to slash with.

All in all, Morrowind looks amazing to say the least. Can you confirm the game\'s release come next month?  

Todd H: It\'s coming out in the Spring. That\'s all I can confirm.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2002, 01:23:19 AM by pstwo »
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« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2002, 10:46:55 AM »

New Capcom Brain Box

WOW!! Check out this mech game!! As soon it hits the states I\'m picking it up ASP! The special controller that has been specifically designed for the game and features more than 40 buttons (including switches and dials), two flight sticks, and three pedals. The specific dimensions were not disclosed, but it has been estimated that it is about the width of three Xbox units.  :eek:


NEW Yager screens!! Sweet!!  :D

« Last Edit: February 21, 2002, 01:21:45 AM by pstwo »
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« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2002, 01:26:01 AM »


This game is coming out great!   :D

The Xbox \' METAL DUNGEON where the panther software has planned sale on February 28th \', the RPG which searches John 3d Don who is formed automatically with the party.

With the worldwide * Alan suspension where technology and magical technology have coexisted, each country the war which reaches to also several dozen years centering on leadership, is continued. At the battlefield the demon animal and the —d demon were remodelled " the ƒEƒGƒ|ƒjƒbƒNƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[ " were utilized as the powerful weapon.
While such as that, kingdom gear mel captures the large —d demon which is called " demon God ". In order that it makes the strongest ƒEƒGƒ|ƒjƒbƒNƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[, remodelling was started. But to seal that it was not possible excessively powerful power completely, demon God subdued the research facility, put all ƒEƒGƒ|ƒjƒbƒNƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[ under controlling. It is the present condition which stops the wound and the damage which are not to be solved from the seal whose demon God still is complete. As for the kingdom being the battlefield, it is not possible, it is scattered " Lee information - to move the standing army who fights it summons the strengthening human who is called the sir " in the domestic every place. In order to push down demon God, it was to make the facility face which has become John Don.

The prayer it makes the party maximum of 5, challenges to the labyrinth. Being highlight at the data quantity, in addition to the fact that it is possible, to customize the appearance of the character finely, can draw up the unique party with 750 type thing items. Because the floor map of each area is formed at each time it disappears automatically, as for venture equal to the number of prayers exists just.
The graphics which the SF and the ƒtƒ@ƒ“ƒ^ƒW[ fuse is dreadful, at the same time is a unique beauty.

http://eg.nttpub.co.jp/news/image/20020221_01_02.jpg http://eg.nttpub.co.jp/news/image/20020221_01_04.jpg http://eg.nttpub.co.jp/news/image/20020221_01_05.jpghttp://eg.nttpub.co.jp/news/image/20020221_01_06.jpg
http://eg.nttpub.co.jp/news/image/20020221_01_07.jpg http://eg.nttpub.co.jp/news/image/20020221_01_08.jpg
« Last Edit: February 21, 2002, 10:57:07 AM by pstwo »
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« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2002, 10:33:49 AM »

WOW!!  "TEKKI" ingame shots!!  I need this game!!!  :eek:


SWEET!!  ! The special controller that has been specifically designed for the game and features more than 40 buttons (including switches and dials), two flight sticks, and three pedals.

It lights up!! :eek:
« Last Edit: February 23, 2002, 12:57:54 PM by pstwo »
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« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2002, 11:51:20 AM »

It is atmosphere where the inside of a town is just filled by Xbox -- there is February 22 which is the sale day of Xbox tomorrow, the flag with which the LOGO of Xbox was treated in the main street in Shibuya in Tokyo is flown here and there, and CM of Xbox is simultaneously passed using three sets of all the field visions in front of the Shibuya station.
And in QFRONT of Shibuya where countdown sale of Xbox is performed, Mr. U.S. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates\'s interview was held from 7:00 a.m. of sale that day constantly [ 21 ] used as several [ more ] hours to sale.

although Mr. GEITSU is the reason which became 3 times of visits to Japan in one year in this time following Tokyo Game Show of the spring of last year, and autumn, Microsoft will be established in \'86 that Mr. GEITSU will visit Japan 3 times in 1 -- since then -- for the first time -- ‚Æ -- things Probably, this may call it manifestation of tackling earnestly, in order that Microsoft may make Xbox successful in Japan. At the beginning of an interview, probably, he may call it the comment of ‚±‚», since he thinks that a success in a Japanese market is indispensable to Mr. [ GEITSU / itself ] at a success of Xbox, although Mr. GEITSU said, "He can visit Japan at hand [ the ] and it is a delightful limitation, although Xbox will be put on the market tomorrow."

If the contents of an interview itself are important also for the game industry, Xbox is not only a product important for Microsoft, but Advertize the importance of Xbox or The graphic function and 5.1-channel sound function of Xbox, It was not an old thing and a greatly different thing to suppose that the features, such as hard disk built-in and a network function, are designed by the inquiry for the game play of Xbox of the next generation, and to emphasize the difference from other game machines which compete anew etc.
However, the comment which was considerably conscious of the thing of Japan, such as saying that it is a point very important for Xbox that it has tied up with the software development maker of Japan which is developing the game which was most excellent in the world, mentioning the game maker in Japan, such as Tecmo, Sega, KONAMI, and NAMCO, or introducing having prepared the controller of exclusive use for those for Japanese markets and Xbox Special Edition which is a Japanese original model, was also conspicuous.

Incidentally it declares Mr. GEITSU saying within an interview, "He expects that I myself will hand the 1st set of Xbox directly at 7:00 a.m. in the morning tomorrow", standing on a shop front by tomorrow\'s countdown sale, and selling Xbox himself. Although it stood on the shop front itself [ GEITSU Mr. ] and Xbox was sold when Xbox was put on the market in a North America market, it was shown clearly that the ceremony same also in Japan was performed. How about carrying [ if it thinks that he will go out from early morning tomorrow for the purchase of Xbox ] a leg to Shibuya QFRONT?

DEAD OR ALIVE 3" is pitched against each other by Mr. Oura and Mr. GEITSU. Mr. GEITSU overwhelms a result.

All of three sets of the field visions in front of the station in Shibuya are Xbox.
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« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2002, 02:05:06 PM »
That mech game looks good.
This is America and I can still pay for sex with pennies

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« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2002, 04:22:35 PM »

Got this info on gamingage board and the Japan Xbox launch sounds like a good start! SWEET!!!  :D

Just got to work after picking up my Japanese Xbox LE.

Lots of people.
Massive queue.
lots of buzz and excitement.

JSRF seems to be selling very well

Link:  http://pub37.ezboard.com/fgamingageforums2frm0.showMessage?topicID=13291.topic
G.R.A.W 2
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