I have been an avid gamer since 1980 (Atari 2600 woot!) and find debating the Xbox and the PS2 pretty pointless. I bought a PS2 about 4 months ago and at first I was really worried that I might have made the wrong decision. Today, I am confident I made the right one for myself. Having 6 consoles (PS2, Dreamcast, Saturn, TurboDuo, Sega CDX and the original NES) I have a wide variety of games to play not to mention all of the PC games I have. Prior to buying the PS2 95 percent of my gaming time went to the PC. Basically, I had pretty much given up on consoles. Now 80 percent of my time is spent on the PS2 with 15 percent on the PC and 5 percent on the TurboDuo.
The change came when I bought Devil May Cry. It really opened my eyes back up toward console gaming. Since then I have been heavily involved with Baldur\'s Gate (which I played on the PC and never finished) and really surprised me. I have 20 PS2 games and am building a nice PS1 library as well!
I have never played the Xbox and I had the opportunity to purchase it this weekend, but after thinking about it, the only game I REALLY want to play at this point in time is Halo. I couldn\'t justify spending $300 for the system for one game. Though, this may change in the near future.
Basically, I have never been more pleased with a system other than my TurboDuo (I still love that system) than I have with the PS2. This is my personal feeling and over the past month I have put to rest my fears that maybe I bought the wrong system. Heh, this may sound like a rant to some that I am reassuring myself of my purchase, but honestly I haven\'t had gotten this much enjoyment out one console in years. I am not saying the PS2 is better than the Xbox, because I wouldn\'t know. What I am saying is that it is a personal choice and I took a gamble and came out happy. That is what gaming is all about!