Again, I have an HDTV and not me or any of my friends noticed this blur you are constantly talking about--and we have logged many hours with that game. Either you are nitpicking a screen shot or you are blowing it way out of proportion.
All of these people are PS2 or PS1 owners and after the initial adjustment period, none have any complaints about the controller--admittedly, the first night there were some very vocal dissenters, but after that, it\'s been just fun.
If nothing else, I\'m glad I have an xbox for the social aspect of it. Nearly all of PS2\'s good games are single player and once you finish a SP game, it\'s pretty much over (with a few exceptions). The xbox\'s good games also have either 4-way split screen or system link which makes it the only console I play with friends over (besides the odd showcase of ).
No game on the market does what Ralisport does. It looks wonderful in single player and supports 4-players.