Ok, I\'m going to place my final feelings on the situation. Which system is better we will never know for sure, but what we can tell is that PS2 leads the market and for obvious reasons. While I own an X-Box, PS2, and a Gamecube, I find it difficult to say which one is "the best". It is also hard to draw a conclusion on where each system will be two years from now, when the systems hit their prime. What I can say however is that I enjoy playing each system, as well as games on my computer. Here\'s the situation that a lot of people fall into, as well as the reason for many arguments over which system is better. I find it hard to play a system which has one or two good games out at the moment, when I have a system that has already had it\'s months full of good games. Another gripe people have is the massive amount of ports X-Box has compared to exclusives. While I\'m sure each port is improved, why wait when you can play a version that is out for what it is truly worth. Gamecube is pretty much the same way right now, although it\'s got some big things coming it\'s way. Which system is "the best", well, there\'s no answer, just an endless debate(such as this).
The funny thing about this entire debate started when a comment was made about how someone thought these were IGN forums. Then a man named Docwiz comes along and intices and argument, which lead to where we are now. This debate will never truly end until both systems are dead(past gen), but rather it will take rest and spark at any moment.
That my friends, is my final statement.