not correct
if you do it on a OPPOSING console forum, then its trolling
docwiz, is a prime example of a troll
we\'re just expressing our opinions
this is a PS2 forum remember
Well there is no hard and fast definition of a troll--your is as worthwhile as mine. There are several people here that live and breathe PS2, anything xbox related is garbage. They criticize games that they\'ve never played, they post screen shots and point out jaggies. The hitch is that only the xbox recieves this scrutiny. If the PS2 was treated like this, by these same people, I would have no problem with that. This isn\'t that case and we both know that. These are not opinions based on fact and derrived from an objective mind. If someone, like NYPPZ, posts PS2 screens, bashes the PS2, points out graphical problems--he is immediately labelled a troll, and rightfully so. But a PS2 zealot can do the same so long as he posts under the PS2 flag.
You say this is a PS2 board, but this is a console debating board and should be moderated objectively. Is the PS2 position so pecarious that it needs special treatment? Police the main forum with a zero tolerance of xbox fanboys--that\'s the way it should be.
But you have to understand that to truly have a "console debate" the rules must be the same for all sides. This isn\'t the case and we both know that. As it is now it\'s open season for the xbox not console debating.
how many of us "so called trolls" say that PS2 is better or PS2 can make games look better and run faster?
Not many, but there are several. I\'m not speaking out against the majority.
if someone posts a link to a certain xbox mech movie, im gonna tell my opinion thats its blurry as hell, and im not impressed
That movie is not blurry or at least no more blurry than the J&D movie that was floating around the internet before it launched. Much/all of that blurriness is because we are looking at a 2 inch screen with poor quality. Why did everyone fall in love with the J&D trailer and not with the mech assault one? There is an answer, I just can\'t put my finger on it...
simple as that
I think most of us can stomach the negativity, it\'s the fanboyism that is the problem. I myself have been very vocally negative about many of PStwo\'s xbox news flashes, but there have been some that are noteworthy, but get lumped into the xbox suxors category because of the small mindedness of a certain vocal minority.
pstwo on the other hand is just trying to broaden people\'s horizons, and i respect that, or else i wouldnt let him continue
i think he just posts too much unimportant news
we bash M$ and the xbox consistantly for two reasons
1. we\'re dissapointed
2. we enjoy inane arguments and people\'s reactions
watch, how do you think a simple discussion turns into a 9 page thread?
Yes but these same people herrald the launch of the PS2 as a time of great gaming and console bliss when you and I both know that the PS2 has only recently come in to its own. As for point 2, that is a select group of senior menbers and not applicable to the majority of the posters. You also missed point 3: I love my PS2, and everything else is crap die xbox die.
I have no idea how this turned into a 9 page thread.