Ok, this debate has been taken WAY out out context. You guys have overlooked the obvious. Let\'s compare launches.
Japanese Launch -
PS2 is a clear cut winner here. M$ flopped in Japan and everyone knows is. The PS2 because of the company Sony made those PS2\'s sell in Japan like hotcakes. There\'s no denying it, X-Box flopped, PS2 boomed.
American Launch -
This is debatable. I will give X-Box the edge on this one. That shortage really put a damper on American sales, limiting Sony to their 500,000. (me getting mine on launch day
) However, throughout the year Sony managed to re-establish themselves. However, due to the MASS hype of the X-Box and the fact there was no shortage for X-Boxes, everyone was able to get theirs.
European Lauch -
Well, I do not know much about the European launch for PS2, but from what I\'ve heard it went well. There are some bad vibes surrounding the X-Box\'s European debut... to say the least.