I think one of the few examples of a company that is doing something because they like working with each other, is Capcom and Sega, and later, Capcom and Nintendo. Capcom could\'ve made a ton of money with sticking with Sony with many of its games. Instead, they went to Sega and supported the DC until it died. With Nintendo, Capcom gave them Resident Evil as an exclusive, and if the interviews with the RE guy is correct, without Nintendo giving the "money hat" to them. Now, is this true or not, not sure since I\'m not Capcom or Nintendo.
So far, most of the Xbox "exclusives" appear to be exclusives thanks to the "money hat". They bought Bungie even though Bungie appeared to be console agostic before (Halo was a PC/Mac game and even a PS2 version was in consideration before MS bought them). And Oddworld, before the Xbox, they were litterally saying great things about the PS2, and then MS comes in, PS2 is a piece of crap and the Xbox version is now the only version (while the PS2 hating began a little before MS paid them, once they were paid, Oddworld became one of the biggest Xbox supporters in the world).
Now, I\'m not saying Sony is anymore innocent since yes, even Sony buys developers. However, at least in the case of Naughty Dog, they were Sony "fanboys" before becoming a first party developer in the first place (not to mention, I even believe that they came to Sony. Not the other way around).