Originally posted by kangu-G^Ltt^s
The only way to play VO is an an arcade cabinet, with a person sitting on the opposite side.
I\'m playing the game with my friends right now on 2 Monitors, using a Link Cable, each with their own small surround sound setup, and Twin Stick Controllers for the both of us...

And we\'re playing at an Ace level of play, mind you.
Although a console port could be entertaining for a while it wouldn\'t be the real deal...
Arcade to console ports are never the real deal, unless you put out the cash to buy a bunch of other crap to make it feel like the arcades... Like I did.
maybe if they added an online feature and packaged the game with and official SEGA controller....
This VO should be online, its it just screams "online".

But probably just in Japan... Hell, this game will probably stay in Japan. Unless Activision decides to port it again for us. VO sales were never good in the U.S.

But a LAN feature would be okay.