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Originally posted by ooseven the old Microsoft Work ethic comes through once againIf you can beat them, then rip off their idea\'s Characters are equipped with a special ship and weapons. Each character has a counterpart nemesis, whose only goal is revenge through taunting, tormenting and attempting to sabotage the pilot at every turn. errmmm like the wipeout series ?The nemesis storylines, ranging from political adversaries to estranged lovers, develop through cut scenes and animation throughout the game. The importance placed on defeating, and even humiliating, the character’s nemesis is designed to please both racing and action gamers. oh now were have we seen this before.. oh i know like wipeout series ?“Quantum Redshift” puts gamers in command of the most extreme, hyperspeed racing machines that travel in excess of 650 mph and are able to interact with the terrain. well done M$$$$ give it a lame name no-one will ever know :rolleyes: As players progress, they unlock not only new characters but also new speeds (five in all), providing a racing experience like no other. oh you mean like the race system in wipeout (venom, raptor, rapier etc )In addition, the vehicles are equipped with highly advanced offensive and defensive weapons systems, allowing characters to attack each other with everything from plasma bolts to tidal waves. Players will have the opportunity to race on a total of 16 detail-laden tracks and compete in up to four-player split-screen against their friends. what you mean ..Plasma bolts ?????? quakes sorry i mean tidal waves ??????i hope they don\'t get sue\'d :rolleyes: [/list][/B] [/B]
Originally posted by Chrono >"You guys are pathetic ...the game looks amazing."uhh.. this game is jaggied with really poor textures... in fact, I own PC games that look better!Am I looking at the same game?The graphics remind me strongly of Starfighter released early last year on the ps2
Originally posted by cloud345 #3. They made it EXACTLY like Wipeout
actually it does look like starfighter
Originally posted by Chrono Wow.. you actually agree with me on something