[edit]i see what was being said now and i mis-understood.. and if this
were true.. i\'d buy an X-Box.. simple as that.. because if you think about it, there are all sorts of things that snake does that he doesnt tell you about, and where he has been, where he is going.. you call him up, he does some sniping..
he would have unlimited ammo though..

bah, they are fake.. [/edit]
and great way to spoil a part of the game for those who havent played it..
but anyhoo..
MGS2 is one of the greatest games ever made, if anyone says it would have been better playing as Snake they are kidding themselves.. the story opened up so much more with Raiden
It wouldn\'t have to be in the main game, I mean it could be a secret mode or something; to play the game through from Snake\'s perspective. Sitting in that chopper, helping the newbie out, getting to the other struts Raiden never saw, standing by if he\'d need any help with sniping... You\'d get to be that father-figure ooseven mentioned.
yeah, and we
could wait another 32 years for the game to be released.. you want to play as snake, play the tanker mission.. you want to fight the bosses as Snake, do it.. quit your complaining, the story was 10x deeper with Raiden as a character, having had Snake as the character would have ruined the entire game.. in fact.. it would have been impossible without drastically changing the story (most likely in a VERY less compelling way)
and having Snake giving you advice, and playing beside him (he jut kicked absolute ass) was the so awesome.. made him 10x the character he was in the other games..
and those pics are quite obviously fake..