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Author Topic: GUNVALKYRIE review at IGN  (Read 1453 times)

Offline pstwo
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« on: March 15, 2002, 11:33:23 PM »
I just pre-order this game!!

The amount of fun in this game is directly proportional to its difficulty. Our full review.

March 15, 2002 - The first thing you need to know about the Smilebit developed, Sega published action title known as GUNVALKYRIE is that it\'s difficult. It\'s throw-your-controller-across-the-room-in-frustration difficult. It\'ll make you curse out loud to the gaming gods, vainly imploring them to give you a freakin\' break. It\'ll be the game, if any, that will wear out the buttons and sticks of your Xbox controller way before its time.
And you\'ll love it.

Take a look at the list of features and you\'ll get the bare bones skeleton of what this single player game is about. The real meat of GUNVALKYRIE is in the game\'s mixture of classic sci-fi presentation and super engaging gameplay.

The Features:

Battle through 10 massive levels filled with creatures attacking from every angle.
Customizable weaponry, upgradeable armor, and intense special attacks.
State-of-the-art graphics, realistic texture-models, and stunning environmental effects
Xbox double analog controllers let you run and fly freely while gunning down enemies all around you.
Action-packed sci-fi storyline inspired by modern day anime.
Two unique playable characters to choose from.
The Story So Far
The story takes place in an alternate but very Earthlike dimension where the British Empire is the supreme authority in the world thanks to the Halley\'s Comet related research of Dr. Hebble Gate. When Halley\'s Comet shot by in 1835, all kinds of new technology became available leading to the colonization of other planets during the 19th century.

It\'s 1906 when you begin the game as a member of GUNVALKYRIE, a force of specially gifted human warriors that can harness the power of Halley\'s Comet. You\'ve been dispatched to the planet Tir na Nog to investigate the disappearance of several colonists on that planet but your concurrent side mission is to find out what happened to Dr. Hebble Gate.

Kelly O\'Lenmey is a bold young Irish lass who as one of Halley\'s chosen, human\'s that can handle the power of the comet, is one of the few people on earth that can wear a comet-powered Gearskin battlesuit. She\'s the basic character in the game equivalent to the easy or intermediate difficulty setting. Saburouta Mishima is a former samurai turned GV operative known for his hot temper and awesome skill in battle. He\'s the expert level character because of his extreme firepower, short range and limited available upgrades. We\'ll refer to Kelly throughout the review, but Saburouta controls exactly the same way. Just know this his basic weapon, the Matchlock Cannon, is extremely powerful and has it\'s own rate of fire and lock-on attributes.

Oh yeah, and there\'s this Lt. Meridian Poe who helps you from the GV dropship throughout your missions. Hebble Gate is her father but he cut her head off, hooked it up on a life support system and stole her body.

Tir na Nog is full of disgusting giant insects and since a human wearing a GV suit is capable of wiping out entire legions of conventional human armies, those bugs shouldn\'t stand a chance. Taking the bug-hero dynamic directly from the movie Starship Troopers, you have unlimited ammunition and a full range of motion in dealing with the waves and waves of creeping crawlies. And this planet is at least as bug infested as that one Denise Richards visited in ST.

The control system in GUNVALKYRIE is going to be the main barrier between those who like the game and those who don\'t. The use of the dual analog sticks isn\'t as simple as "move with the left" and "aim with the right." If you think of how a human actually moves, the left stick controls Kelly\'s body while the right stick controls the aim of her weapon. She has to be facing whatever it is you want her to shoot at, but the right analog is better at fine tuning her aim and working with the game\'s automatic lock-on system once she\'s facing the right way. But the big news is that there\'s an innovative boost system in GUNVALKYRIE that will separate it from every similar themed third person action game out there.

Kelly can jump and boost vertically using the left trigger but leaning the left analog stick forward and clicking the left analog stick button will execute a boost dash that will shoot her forward like a turbo boost. Leaning and clicking the stick to the left or right will perform a boost roll in that direction while backwards will quickly make her retreat. All of this boosting depletes Kelly\'s boost meter and when it\'s empty, you\'re not going to be dashing or boosting anywhere. The boost meter refills quickly when you\'re not actively boosting in a one of the above directions. There are also a couple of ways you can hover briefly after dashing or when using Kelly\'s rapid fire Drive Gun. Hovering doesn\'t use boost energy but you it won\'t replenish your supply either.
One last bit about control is that you can do snap turns to quickly change direction using the same lean and click technique on the right analog stick. Because the right analog stick also controls the aiming and because you will have to do snap turns while simultaneously boosting and dashing, it will take some awfully quick thumbs to master the snap turns and use them with confidence. Running around in giant circles to shoot enemies is only for the uninitiated. GUNVALKYRIE has numerous combat techniques that can only be discovered through extended gaming sessions.

The essence of GUNVALKYRIE\'s gameplay is running or dashing around trying to position yourself so that you can kill as many bugs as possible from a relatively safe location. No location is safe for long since all of the seven or so different types of bugs we\'ve seen like to surround you and attack from blind spots. The giant spiders like to just bum rush you six at a time from every angle and they\'re much faster than they look. Using your dash abilities to quickly position yourself somewhere else and quickly turning around to unload some heat on them is the name of the game. Like we said, Kelly\'s Drive Gun allows her to hover while she\'s using it. So taking to the air against the spiders and using the D-gun should clean out a good four or five of them by the time she floats back down to the ground. Like we said every gun has a lock on capability within a certain range and you assist this function by aiming the reticle yourself. But the vast majority of levels in GV require you to eliminate every enemy, sometimes within a given time limit. The steep learning curve in GUNVALKYRIE is compelling you to learn how to whoop ass quickly and thoroughly.

The application of your skills, once you have fine tuned them in early levels, changes as you progress through the game. The Valley levels are the outdoor canyon areas where it\'s plenty easy to get around and where you\'ll learn the nuts and bolts of the game. But GUNVALKYRIE is an old school throwback game where you\'re going to have to prove yourself over and over again in a variety of ways. Sure, you can walk up and shoot a bunch of helpless spiders in a hallway, you\'ve done that in plenty other games on other systems. But what about taking on a bunch of mosquito bombers or armored artillery bugs while hopping on platforms suspended hundreds of feet above burning acid? What are you going to do with them? Oh and if you\'re lucky enough to get to the highest platform we\'ve got a little surprise boss battle for you if you have enough health left. If not, too bad, start the level over again! Sorry for losing touch there, but GUNVALKYRIE has that affect on even the most expert gamers. Anyway, you will have to apply your skills in a variety of ways like floating down a wide open shaft making sure to kill every enemy you see along the way. Missing one, means you have to boost and dash your way to a catapult to get back to the top so you can start your descent all over again. The stakes just get higher as you move through the game because there\'s no such thing as saving in the middle of a mission. If you reach the last obstacle and fail, it\'s back to the beginning with you.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 01:34:04 PM by pstwo »
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« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2002, 11:36:47 PM »
You get rated on each mission in a variety of categories like number of enemies defeated, clear time and boost technique. The ratings go from Superior (S) all the way to Needs Improvement (D). The ratings add up to your overall rating for the level and you get compensation in the form of GUNVALKYRIE points that can be spent at the power up shop. There are only a handful of weapons in the game but they can all be upgraded for a cost. Kelly can carry her basic heat blaster and her D-gun, which she finds in the first mission. Saburouta just gets his big blaster but both character carry a plasma grappling hook that can be used in certain areas very much like Link\'s hookshot in Ocarina of Time. You can also buy upgrades for your character\'s gearskin like better shields and more booster power. Some of the upgrades are cheap like 5000 points, others cost more than 80000 GVPs. Buying stuff in GV feels less like a RPG and more like an old school action game where you know the upgrade you\'re buying is only going to help a little bit.

The subtlety of GUNVALKYRIE\'s mechanics is where it gets its replay value. For example, Kelly\'s Drive Gun has two settings: pinpoint and spread that you toggle on and off with the X button. The catch is there\'s no visible indication on your heads up display to tell you which setting you\'ve selected. The only way to tell is to shoot and watch where the bullets land. This isn\'t an omission by Smilebit, it\'s an indication of how you\'re supposed to approach GUNVALKYRIE. That and the fact that on the save game screen, there are several indicators that light up if you accomplish certain goals and you\'re given no clue as to what they are. Oh and how could we forget the "Cleared Game" meter that measures how many times you\'ve cleared GUNVALKYRIE? Anything other than 0 on that meter is a badge of honor. Old school gaming indeed.

The gameplay mechanics could\'ve been done on the PS2 or GameCube but GUNVALKYRIE has a look that feels so right on Xbox. The stylized look of GV combines so many futuristic, retro, anime, sci-fi elements that it doesn\'t resemble any of one of them for more than a split second. Take the aforementioned Starship Troopers, throw in some MDK2, add a dash of Star Trek, sprinkle in a little Robotech and top off with a generous helping of what Metroid would look like if updated for the 21st century and you get half an idea of what GUNVALKYRIE looks like. That\'s just the artistic side of the game too, the animation, textures and lighting are pure technological delights.

The animation of Kelly and Saburouta is impressive because of the intricacies of their moves and the fact that they wear such cumbersome ornate armor. How difficult is it to get a character to hold a rifle under their arm and squeeze a trigger? That\' s no problem, but GUNVALKYRIE has spent shells flying out of the guns, the characters shaking and shimmying as they try to hold the weapons under their control and Kelly and Saburouta actually get into firing positions and brace their bodies for the kickback of each shot. All of the boosting, dashing and turning moves are animated beautifully because they\'re such integral parts of the game. Kelly and Sabs flip and rotate with a little boost from the jetpack and leaning their weight in the appropriate direction but all happens in the blink of an eye when you hit the right analog stick and click for a snap turn. Legs dangle while jet boosting around and react to the ground upon landings. Watching the animations is the only way we figured out that moving the left stick controls the character\'s body and the right stick controls the arms holding the weapon.
One of our favorite animations comes when one of the nastier bugs grabs your hero with its pinchers and slams them up and down into the ground three or four times as punishment for being too sucky. You see the pinchers wrapping around the midsection and the green blood collecting on the bug\'s face as you blast him at close range trying to get away. That\'s the kind of stuff the Xbox was made to do.

The textures of the characters and the worlds in general are outstanding. You can see the differences between Kelly\'s original gearskin and the upgraded one she earns later on. The veins on the jetpack wings are different, you see. Some of the interior walls look normal until you get close to them then their silky, slimy sheen reminds you of bugs and make you want to stay away from them. Nothing, repeat nothing, looks creepier than the animated "living" vegetation on the Canyon levels. They look so fancy and scary that you\'ll swear they\'re enemies when you first see them wobbling and flailing in place like those old black and white cartoon characters from the 1920s. One of the more difficult levels in the game is the Nafalgar\'s Pit with all of its floating white dots and weird underwater look. There\'s no doubt that hallucinogens and late night episodes of Star Trek inspired the lighting and texture work on that level in particular. Functional lens flare that will blind you at the most inopportune times isn\'t seen in many games these days, but GUNVALKYRIE uses it.

Audio is put to good use in GUNVALKYRIE thanks to the Dolby Digital Surround Sound. You can imagine how effective the echo effects are in indoor levels and canyons and whatnot. But you\'ll really appreciate it with all of those spiders creeping up behind you and long range attacks from behind draining your health.

The monster sounds themselves are decent but not quite as gruesome or terrifying as the way they look. I\'ve never heard a spider make a noise louder than a "squish" but I would think a giant 10 foot tall monster crawler would have something quite disgusting or frightening to say when it\'s up close and about to chomp your character\'s head off.

There can be quite a bit of sound layering when you get multiple enemies firing at you from all angles, you firing back as quickly as possible and your jetpacks going at full power. Your warning beep that keep you aware of danger goes off so often that you\'ll think it\'s part of the soundtrack.

Speaking of soundtrack, the Japanese pop style tunes help lean this game towards the anime side of things and they\'re barely tolerable if you\'re not into that kind of music. It\'s the kind of music that\'s fitting for a game like this, but something that evokes a sense of struggle against overwhelming odds would\'ve been better.

There\'s one level where you have to find your way to the top of the area where there\'s an enemy broadcasting the voice of Dr. Hebble Gate. The combination of the good doctor babbling very clearly in the background and the bizarre music box type tunes of the level will drive you insane but in a very good way. It\'s actually the Naflgar\'s Pit level, so the weird visual effects going on along with the crazy music and Gate\'s gibberish is what will drive you nuts, but it\'s all intentional. That level requires quite a bit of concentration and it\'s nice to see that Smilebit added some extra distractions besides enemies.

Closing Comments
I have a deep appreciation for GUNVALKYRIE in the same way that a boxer respects an opponent that he just KO\'d in the 12th round. It\'s about respect. It\'s a game that will test your skill as a gamer because it\'s so unforgiving and requires you to learn its deep and sophisticated philosophies. If you come into GV thinking you know how to handle it, you\'ll spend a lot of time spinning your wheels playing the same levels over and over again. I like how GUNVALKYRIE smacks you down time and time again if you don\'t learn the proper techniques that it\'s trying to teach you and then perfect them. That\'s immersion in a game at it\'s finest.
Also, I don\'t know what Metroid Prime on GameCube is going to be when all is said and done, but GUNVALKYRIE brings an awful lot of what made the old NES and SNES Metroid games fun into this 21st century Xbox adventure.

I don\'t want to be overly critical of GUNVALKYRIE\'s steep learning curve because all of the answers are right there in front of you, somewhere, while you\'re playing and it all makes sense once you get the hang of it. But, in fact, that is the game\'s one shortcoming: just an overall feeling of making things difficult for you. Even though it\'s done on purpose and with good reason, I can easily see how this can turn off many gamers these days. With so many easy choices out there and so many instant gratification games on all systems, gamers have no reason to bang their heads against this Xbox game.

But, kiddies, I say think about how Super Mario Bros, with its truly sketchy control on the NES and the tons of hidden stuff not even hinted at in the manual kept us in front of the TV for hours on end, determined to finish "just this next part." GUNVALKYRIE doesn\'t compare to SMB in anyway, except they both present the same kind of challenge to our competitive natures. You\'re going to keep playing because you know Smilebit put the work into this game to make it challenging and you\'ll be damned if you\'re going to let them get the best of you. Give it a rent please and see if you\'re up to the challenge.

For the rest of you out there, go pick up this outstanding Xbox game.

-- Aaron Boulding
« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 01:35:06 PM by pstwo »
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« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2002, 11:38:56 PM »
It\'s in 1906 and there are colonists and giant bugs on other planets! Great backstory and awesome immersion in a parallel universe. 9.0
Extremely polished textures and superb animations make this game look and move like nothing else. The style is consistent throughout. Not a hiccup in the framerate. 10.0

Effective use of directional sound but the sound effects themselves aren\'t as horrifying as we would\'ve liked. 8.0

Re-invents the premise of blasting aliens/bugs with outstanding innovation. The steep learning curve doesn\'t take away from pure fun once you get the hang of it. 9.0

Lasting Appeal
As deep and engaging as a single player game can be. Any game that measures how many times you\'ve cleared it has strong replay value. 8.0

OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 9.0

« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 01:35:53 PM by pstwo »
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« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2002, 11:59:29 PM »
Sweet!!!!!!!  Thanks for the review of GV pstwo.  I\'ll be picking this game up when it comes out.  Sounds good.
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« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2002, 12:02:50 AM »
do please look at other reviews, don\'t base your purchase on one.. I don\'t need to go into detail on how ign.xbox has turned into a fanboy website (ignore all bad news)

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« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2002, 12:04:06 AM »
rastalant, I can\'t wait too!!  Did you get Ralisport? I just got it and it\'s by far teh best looking Rally ever!!1   :D
« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 01:37:20 PM by pstwo »
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« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2002, 01:56:06 AM »

GUNVALKYRIE brings an awful lot of what made the old NES and SNES Metroid games fun into this 21st century Xbox adventure.

Oh yes! Let\'s all join the 21st century X-box adventure! :rolleyes:

Seriously IGN needs to get some new editors for the Xbox section because the current ones are a bunch of cheese balls.

As for the actual game, I\'d say it definitely piqued my interest, and the graphical style is very nice. It\'s good to see that developers like SEGA haven\'t forgoten that good graphics aren\'t about the polygons and vertex shaders and what not, but about the style
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« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2002, 09:27:23 PM »
Nice fetus
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« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2002, 09:19:00 AM »
my thoughtd exactly


but actually this game has my interest i might even go out and buy it

heh it would be the first game i bought since ffx - ive been a broke guy for too long
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« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2002, 12:45:09 PM »
I played it for about 10 minutes in a store and I felt like I was playing Metroid--very old school, hooray for SEGA!  I was impressed, but I\'m reserving judgement until I actually sit down and really play it.
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« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2002, 01:44:28 PM »
Thanks pstwo for the review...when the Pal Version?
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« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2002, 01:53:38 PM »
BizioEE, I\'m not sure when the Pal version will be out, but I know it should be soon.  I\'ll try and find out for you.  Look in my Signature, I\'m posting xbox news in different boards so I\'ll link them in my signature.     Sega GT 2002 is lookng great!   :D
« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 02:10:54 PM by pstwo »
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« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2002, 02:01:30 PM »
played it for about 10 minutes in a store and I felt like I was playing Metroid--very old school,

I\'m curious,.. what makes it feel like Metroid?

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« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2002, 02:02:49 PM »
Game Informer gave it 5.25 out of 10

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« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2002, 02:14:41 PM »
why do people rely on reviewers so much

i mean its really sad that people trust someo strangers opinion on a game - try it yourself and then judge it but dont take some words on a webpage or magazine from joe shmoe tell you what you have to buy or not

i mean every gamer has different tatse and what he may not prefer may be your greatest delight
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