Originally posted by fastson
LIC: Pre-rendered graphics is a thing of the past.
Sure it looks great! (FF7, 8, 9, Onimusha, Re ect ect.)
But its very limited.
Thats the only problem I got with it.. You cant really interact with it.
For an example you could never enter a first person mode while having pre-rendered graphics/backgrounds.
That is like saying 2D is a thing of the past. It is a very simple minded approach .
ANytime a choice like this is made, it is for a reason. Pre-rendered graphics do offer something the polygonal counterparts don\'t , which I have already listed and vice versa. Capcom\'s choice to use pre-rendred graphics allowed them to make one of the most gorgeous games out on the market (and the common gamer won\'t give a damn it\'s pre-rendred) and it also allowed them to give the feeling of a closed in space, something which RE:CV was sadly missing.
It is limiting, if you expect to enter a first person mode, but why would you in RE? You never have before, \'cept for the mini-game in CV, which wasn\'t that fun in the first place. And no, you can\'t destory items like a vase or what not. At the same time, pre-rendred graphics are less proccesor intensive so all the cpu can go to character models and lighting (which is freaking amazing in RE:Remake). THere is no way in hell , on any system, could of Capcom pulled off those character models and lighting with a fully 3D polygonal enviroment also.
Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Capcom simply went with the one that best fit the RE series (as it always has) and allowed them to do what they was hoping for in the game. You can call it a "thing of the past", but if pre-renders look this good and can get better, then I think you may see a new life in the "art" (and it is ).