Whatever Chrono, everything I said in that post is true.
I\'ve never said Sony was evil. I don\'t bash Sony. Man you are thick. You say MS is evil, you bash the machine, you post screen shots, point out jaggies, etc etc. I only try to bring you into the realm of reason and logic. I like my PS2, it\'s complete losers like you that bring every thread down to an xbox bashing session.
When have I ever started a thread let alone bashed a PS2 game? Have I ever pointed out graphical flaws in a screenshot? Have I never had anything positive to say about PS2--infact do I not often praise PS2 games (J&D, Baulder\'s Gate, Maximo)? Have I ever started a thread where I hearalded an xbox game? Have I ever joined one of these threads and played along (with an exception or two--Halo being the most obvious)? Do I ever start a thread with the intention of bashing Sony or PS2? How often have I really had anything negative to say abot Sony?
You see Chrono I don\'t do these things, but flip the consoles/companies around in those questions and ask yourself those questions. You are just as bad as NYPPZ was when he came here, only you avoid the Troll avartar because you love the PS2.
And for my part, if PGR doesn\'t look as good as GT3, it is damn close. IMO, Ralisport looks better though (Rali and PGR also have 4-way split screen and although you lose some of the detail the dev spent time putting it in and coding the engine to handle it). But as Bob said, racing games are not a good indication of a machine\'s power. Cars are, afterall, blocky models with shiney textures. FPSs are probably the best--human models, large worlds, draw distance, high quality textures, user controlled cameras etc are all found in FPSs. In racing games you are limited to a track, draw distance can be hidden, there are no real human models, you never get to get close to test the texture quality, etc.
I\'m not saying I agree wit Infogames 100%, but for everyone to completely discredit them is pretty hilarious.