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Author Topic: Infogrames on PS2,GC and XBox.  (Read 3927 times)

Offline ooseven
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Infogrames on PS2,GC and XBox.
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2002, 02:34:56 PM »

even though has as much of a X Box Zelot as PStwo can be... how much do you want to bet that  BizioEE doesn\'t even own a X box !

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Offline mm
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« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2002, 02:56:04 PM »
*gasp*  the horror!

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« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2002, 02:58:59 PM »
Originally posted by mm
*gasp*  the horror!


woops did i go to far

as the samwise said to the womens football team !


ill take that back , what i said about BizioEE

he has a X box now , i read it in one of the other threads !
« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 03:01:05 PM by ooseven »
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Offline Heretic
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Infogrames on PS2,GC and XBox.
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2002, 03:08:53 PM »
Originally posted by ooseven

even though has as much of a X Box Zelot as PStwo can be... how much do you want to bet that  BizioEE doesn\'t even own a X box !


Try and stay on top of things mate. Haven\'t you heard? Bizio got a box just the other day.I\'m wondering why he hasn\'t been bombarding us with recent accounts of how great it is to finally own one after spending so much time trying to cram all its superior abilities down the throats of PS2 fans.

[edit: ha, look who\'s talking. Can\'t even keep up myself. Sorry about that double O :o ]
« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 03:18:33 PM by Heretic »

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« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2002, 05:37:33 PM »
Hmmm...all I remember was V-Rally 2 on the PS was an incredibly crap game with moon-like gravity and weird physics. Who cares about V-Rally 3,4,5....

Anyway, if the Xbox is so good, why doesn\'t any of the racing games looks like GT3 yet?(Not even that MSR in disguised Project Gotham)

And why is there still so much jagginess in the Crazy Taxi 3(2nd or 3rd gen Xbox game)??(Damn...and I always thought this is a PS2 exclusive feature!! LOL)


Why isn\'t the FSAA in the X-Box being turn on if it\'s so easy to use and so powerful?? (Last i read, no current Xbox game uses FSAA even though it\'s available in the hardware - probably kills the framerates if it\'s turn on).

Finally, I don\'t remember any French developers producing any really jaw dropping graphics with state of the art technology on any console the last few years...so much for credibility.

Offline Watchdog
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« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2002, 08:05:46 PM »
Why can I find dozens of articles that say exactly what infogames said?

Why is there no proof of this 75% of untapped power?

Why does it seem like it\'s a coincidence that this machine designed by Sony is the only thing telling us that the PS2 is more powerful (or at least as powerful)?

All you people say where\'s xbox\'s power?, where\'s xbox\'s power.  I  don\'t see it so it must not be true.  This machine that Sony made tells me that the PS2 will be powerful, I\'m going to decide to believe that.

If you guys treated both machines with the same rules and standards then that would be one thing, but it\'s a double standard.  What\'s fair game with the PS2, doesn\'t count with the xbox.

When a 3rd party dev that has worked with both machines equally says xbox is way more powerful everyone says they don\'t know what they are talking about.

When a hardware review site says xbox is way more powerful you people say they are biased or don\'t know what they are talking about.

When every publication that has ties to every major game maker and industry insider says xbox is more powerful, you guys say they don\'t know what they are talking about.

BUT, when a Sony developer or their infamous performance analyzer says PS2 is more powerful hey it must be true.

Worse yet, when this nobody Seven says PS2 is way more powerful--damn that must be true to because it agrees with my fragile ideology.

If there was a performance analyzer for xbox that posted similar results for the xbox would anyone of you believe that?  NO!  And don\'t any of you say otherwise because EVERYONE knows that\'s not true.

And why is it that the xbox or any other system for that matter has never needed a performance analyzer?  Why does the Sony machine?  Could there be some alterior motive?  No, of course not, because that happens to be the company that all you are whores for.

All I ask for is a little logic and reason, but that\'s lost on the bunch of you clowns.
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Offline ooseven
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« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2002, 03:15:36 AM »
Originally posted by Heretic

[edit: ha, look who\'s talking. Can\'t even keep up myself. Sorry about that double O :o ]

no problem mate :D

i should learn to vent my anger at M$$$$$$$ much better !

but still i don\'t feal the need to part with 51% more than my American Buddys have to get their X boxes !
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Offline BizioEE

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« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2002, 04:27:15 AM »
Originally posted by ooseven

woops did i go to far

as the samwise said to the womens football team !


ill take that back , what i said about BizioEE

he has a X box now , i read it in one of the other threads !

...as a rule I place a bet when I\'m almost sure to win...take Bizzio\'s advice...do the same:)  --->
---> ps : people still waiting for your pic :p

Seven knows what’s he\'s talking about.. Unlike several other people in here.

You said the same about me when I was a Sony tool...I had been talking through my ass for my first 300 posts due to my idiosyncrasy for MS and "love" for Sony...

I\'m not saying that seven,each time,talks through his ass...only that you said the same about me a lot of time in the past!


We already knew about the NGC\'s limitations compared to the Xbox. It is already known that it is easier to tap the power of the Xbox than the PS2 and NGC. The Xbox was designed to be easy to program and powerful at the same time. This guy is just saying things that have been said many times before. It\'s nothing to get excited about.

Nope! XBox is a more complex piece of hardware than GCN and it\'s more difficult to tap!

Who\'s excited?  everyone knew that but some tools say PS2 is almost on par in the graphics and sound capabilities...
...quote them...not me!:)


But really, isn\'t he stating the obvious? The Xbox is two years newer than the PS2. If it couldn\'t handle games that the PS2 can, it would be pathetic. That is why, like MM already stated, the Xbox is often called the portbox -- because it\'s easy money for the developers.

Yes...he\'s stating the obvious...so are you suggesting to close any debate about PS2 hardware vs XBox hardware ? It should be great and it could spare a lot of pathetic comments form some Sony tools...
« Last Edit: March 19, 2002, 04:33:16 AM by BizioEE »
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Infogrames on PS2,GC and XBox.
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2002, 04:29:03 AM »
Racing games are not the be all & end all of how powerful a console is..

i dont think this game gets 90% of the PS2\'s power.. and i dont think WatchDog believes it does either..

and Paul, while i agree GT3 looks better than any XBox racing game, you have to remember that a couple of racing games are not the judging factor of how powerful a console is.. plus GT3 was in developement for 3 years (and then again, not all those 3 years were spent on graphics.. Polyphony did have to redo the whole engine from scratch)

basically.. let the games do the talking and dont put all that much into what developers trying to hype up their games are saying..

we all know XBox is more powerful than PS2.. but the fact that PS2 even compares to XBox is one hell of an achievement  :)  lets see where it goes..

Offline Chrono
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« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2002, 04:29:09 AM »
Watchdog, that post above shows exactly how bias you are.. damn boy, take a step back and look at the whole picture

I know, MS is perfect and does no wrong,
and sony is a big lieing company who never does anything right..


Offline BizioEE

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« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2002, 04:43:34 AM »
and Paul, while i agree GT3 looks better than any XBox racing game

Nope!  I\'ve compared side by side the Jap version of GT3(developed from some of the best developers of the planet + 3 years of development) and the Pal Rallisport("modest" developers who started the game on unfinished hardware)...

and GT3 does not look better !  ...the mediterranean stages in Rallisport outclass,overal,the rally stages of GT3!

Give the XBox in the hands of Polyphony for 3 years...
XBox is a superior piece of hardware!
« Last Edit: March 19, 2002, 04:47:12 AM by BizioEE »
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Offline Chrono
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« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2002, 04:54:49 AM »
Damn BizioEE, take the xbox outta your ass..
I know you love it, but its just a console

:laughing: :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: March 19, 2002, 04:57:23 AM by Chrono »

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« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2002, 06:22:54 AM »
Chrono: Not to be rude or anything..
But the Xbox screen was taken from the framebuffer (clean image).. PS2 shot was taken via the A/V output on the back (bad image quality..blurred pixels) :)

Nope! I\'ve compared side by side the Jap version of GT3(developed from some of the best developers of the planet + 3 years of development) and the Pal Rallisport("modest" developers who started the game on unfinished hardware)...

Yes.. Polyphony are very talented developers. (Boy do they know how to model cars.. The most impressive Ive ever seen) But mind you they started developing GT3 from incomplete development libraries.. There were almost no information on how to develop for PS2 when they started. They had to learn by themselves. (That’s why they made GT2000 and then started all over again)

Now there are development libraries plus alot of useful development tools that help you get more power out of the system.

And I would not call Swedish D.I.C.E modest developers. They have done some great work before. (Dont count Shreck as it was developed by the Canadian team.. Shrek=Teh sukk)
« Last Edit: March 19, 2002, 06:25:01 AM by fastson »
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Offline Watchdog
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« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2002, 06:35:44 AM »
Whatever Chrono, everything I said in that post is true.

I\'ve never said Sony was evil.  I don\'t bash Sony.  Man you are thick.  You say MS is evil, you bash the machine, you post screen shots, point out jaggies, etc etc.  I only try to bring you into the realm of reason and logic.  I like my PS2, it\'s complete losers like you that bring every thread down to an xbox bashing session.

When have I ever started a thread let alone bashed a PS2 game?  Have I ever pointed out graphical flaws in a screenshot?  Have I never had anything positive to say about PS2--infact do I not often praise PS2 games (J&D, Baulder\'s Gate, Maximo)?  Have I ever started a thread where I hearalded an xbox game?  Have I ever joined one of these threads and played along (with an exception or two--Halo being the most obvious)?  Do I ever start a thread with the intention of bashing Sony or PS2?  How often have I really had anything negative to say abot Sony?

You see Chrono I don\'t do these things, but flip the consoles/companies around in those questions and ask yourself those questions.  You are just as bad as NYPPZ was when he came here, only you avoid the Troll avartar because you love the PS2.


And for my part, if PGR doesn\'t look as good as GT3, it is damn close.  IMO, Ralisport looks better though (Rali and PGR also have 4-way split screen and although you lose some of the detail the dev spent time putting it in and coding the engine to handle it).  But as Bob said, racing games are not a good indication of a machine\'s power.  Cars are, afterall, blocky models with shiney textures.  FPSs are probably the best--human models, large worlds, draw distance, high quality textures, user controlled cameras etc are all found in FPSs.  In racing games you are limited to a track, draw distance can be hidden, there are no real human models, you never get to get close to test the texture quality, etc.

I\'m not saying I agree wit Infogames 100%, but for everyone to completely discredit them is pretty hilarious.
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Offline BizioEE

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« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2002, 09:45:30 AM »
Damn BizioEE, take the xbox outta your ass..
I know you love it, but its just a console

1) You\'ve chosen ugly pics for both games.

2) You can\'t deliver any judgement comparing pics...at least show movies with in-game graphics.

3) I\'ve compared both games on my TV.

4) I\'m a stallion,no need to do sex with objects like you frustrated kid with a 2 inches cock :p

5) I like the XBox.

6) Chrono is retarded.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2002, 10:27:58 AM by BizioEE »
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