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Author Topic: Infogrames on PS2,GC and XBox.  (Read 3926 times)

Offline BizioEE

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Infogrames on PS2,GC and XBox.
« on: March 18, 2002, 10:10:59 AM »
Infogrames\' popular series adopts some interesting RPG elements for the latest incarnation, while GameCube and Xbox versions wait in the wings. New screens inside

18:16 Earlier this week, Infogrames held the first ever public showing of V-Rally 3, the latest in Eden Studios\' critically acclaimed rally driving series. With a fully playable version on show, complete with numerous tracks and vehicles we were able to get a very good idea of what to expect from the final version, due for release in Europe this June.
The first thing you notice is that although the game resembles V-Rally 2\'s visual style, the move onto next-gen has been accompanied by a dramatic leap in performance, with the game boasting stunningly detailed vehicles zipping through large, complex environments, all at a rock solid 60fps. Impressive. With 24 tracks, each of which can be raced in reverse, set in six distinct countries from Sweden to Kenya plus a massive range of real-world rally cars in either 2l or 1.6l class, V-Rally 3 has a robustly authentic flavour.

Indeed, changing the focus from the previous title, V-Rally 3 goes down the simulation route, providing a challenging, realistic racing experience. Two modes of play were on display - Time Attack and Challenge - but the third was shrouded in mystery. This third mode is the V-Rally Mode, which Infogrames is flagging up as the title\'s unique selling point. At the event, we spoke with Stephane Baudet, MD of Eden Studios, who lifted the lid on the secret mode, while hinting at the possibility of Xbox and GameCube versions of the game:

What\'s new for V-Rally 3

Baudet: It\'s tougher than V-Rally 2. The gameplay will be more real but it will keep the same essential visual style.

Why did you choose to move towards simulation?

Baudet: Because we see PS2 players are older and more mature: players who have evolved on from PSone want something more real. We\'ve seen with Gran Turismo that people are more interested in things that are more realistic.

How do you view your title in relation to the competition?

Baudet: The visuals and car physics will always be different from the likes of McCrae. What we\'re also trying to create is a game mode where you can race, but also do things around the race - you won\'t be playing V-Rally 3 in the same way you\'ve been playing other rally games.

One of my biggest disappointments with WRC is that it does nothing new: it\'s quite boring. I think the player wants to have different experiences - I don\'t see where WRC provides this.

What can you tell us about the mysterious V-Rally Mode?

Baudet: What you can expect from the V-Rally mode is sections other than racing. You will experience the same things a rally driver experiences. You have to switch teams, sign contracts, work with the mechanics and work with the team. It\'s based on multiple seasons rather than just one.

You\'re introducing RPG-like elements, then?

Baudet: Yes, and we also have elements like rivals and specific goals where you might not simply have to win a race; it might be different depending on the team you\'re with.

How much involvement have real rally teams had?

Baudet: We have good access to them. It\'s not like Formula One; they\'re really keen to give us information. They play videogames more than we expected, and they know all the games so they can tell us exactly what\'s good and what\'s wrong with each of them.

What\'s your opinion of the PS2?

Baudet: It\'s difficult hardware. The early days were difficult, but now it\'s OK as most of the libraries have been done and there\'s also third-party middleware. To do a title like V-Rally 3 with middleware would have been difficult though, because technique is very important. We had to make sure our engine was better than the one you can buy on the market. The problem with middleware is that all games that use it will look the same. By doing our own engine we can have special effects the others won\'t have.

The lack of multiplayer will come as a disappointment to many. Is this down to technical issues?

Baudet: It\'s more a question of time. We could do a very decent split-screen mode on PS2, but for this particular game we already had a lot to deal with. For the next one though, that could be the next evolution. Given the right time we can provide almost the same quality in split screen in one or two years time, which is good because it means PS2 will keep providing new and different games. Right now we\'re using between 85-90 percent of PS2\'s power, which is equivalent to Gran Turismo 3.

Do you already have plans for V-Rally 4?

Baudet: We have plans for many games. I\'m pretty sure there\'ll be a V-Rally 4 - unless this one isn\'t a success. V-Rally 4 will probably be based more on multiple players.

Will we see V-Rally 3 on Xbox and GameCube as well?

Baudet: It is more of an Infogrames, Microsoft or Nintendo decision. For that kind of title it\'s more a strategy and marketing decision. It\'s very easy to do an Xbox version - I already have one if anybody wants it! We have versions already running on Xbox and GameCube, but those are to learn the machines and nothing has been decided as to whether to bring them to the market or not.

How do the other versions compare in terms of performance?

Baudet: Xbox is far better than the two others. Things are running smoothly without any effort, so with a little effort I\'m sure we can do much better. I think games on the Xbox at the moment really aren\'t pushing the hardware: I don\'t think there\'s anything other than Halo that takes advantage of Xbox. With GameCube, it looks OK but sometimes you are disappointed with the drawing capabilities. We are still very new to the console, but we have encountered disappointments - it\'s no Xbox.

If you get the green light for other versions, how long would it take to turn them around?

Baudet: Given the time, Xbox could be much better than the PS2. If you want the exact same game as PS2, it would be very easy to have an Xbox version.

Is V-Rally 3 going to be released in North America?

Baudet: Yes, I think so. I believe it will be pushed by Subaru in the US, whereas it\'s Peugeot in Europe. We\'re also in discussions with various publishers in Japan.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 10:18:43 AM by BizioEE »
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Infogrames on PS2,GC and XBox.
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2002, 10:32:09 AM »
so if halo takes advantage of the xbox, why 30 fps?  im blame bungie then now and forever for thier laziness

If you want the exact same game as PS2, it would be very easy to have an Xbox version.

of course, thats it role, the port-box
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« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2002, 10:52:06 AM »
He\'s credibility went right down after he said:

Baudet: It\'s more a question of time. We could do a very decent split-screen mode on PS2, but for this particular game we already had a lot to deal with. For the next one though, that could be the next evolution. Given the right time we can provide almost the same quality in split screen in one or two years time, which is good because it means PS2 will keep providing new and different games. Right now we\'re using between 85-90 percent of PS2\'s power, which is equivalent to Gran Turismo 3.

PS2 is not maxed out by 85 to 90 percent by Gran Turismo 3. And how should they know how much GT3 pushes anyway. Infogrames is a 3rd party based in France, while Polyphony is from Japan. IMHO, Baudet is just trying to justify the "awesome" achievements of Infogrames on PS2 with V-Rally 3 which indeed do look crap based on the last few screens.

And if this guy thinks GT3 maxes out PS2 by 85 to 90%, then I seriously can\'t take the following and the red marked comments serious:

Given the time, Xbox could be much better than the PS2. If you want the exact same game as PS2, it would be very easy to have an Xbox version.


EDIT: Quoted the wrong text. ;)
« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 10:56:45 AM by seven »

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Infogrames on PS2,GC and XBox.
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2002, 11:02:51 AM »
BizioEE, great news!  :D
« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 01:18:41 PM by pstwo »
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Infogrames on PS2,GC and XBox.
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2002, 11:26:38 AM »
Yeah.. RRV used 90% of PS2. So did NHL2001 (read in the manual) :rolleyes:
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« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2002, 11:43:55 AM »
Should be interesting to see if the graphics of WRC2 will out shine those of V-R3 on PS2 in any major way.  

A thread on hype for WRC2


Martin Kenwright, head honcho at Evolution Studios gives first, exclusive details of his Sony first-party sequel and it sounds hot

15:35 Martin Kenwright and Evolution Studios are to release a PlayStation 2 technical marvel later this year, if the developer\'s ultra-confident frontman is to be believed. Following our unveiling of the sequel to World Rally Championship yesterday, we snagged first details on the PlayStation 2 title, scheduled to ship this Christmas, from the horse\'s mouth.
"It\'s all part of the long-term plan. When we conceived WRC a couple of years ago it was all part of just building up the Evolution Studios brand," said Kenwright. "From a technology standpoint, we\'ve doubled the amount of objects we can draw and quadrupled the amount of effects. We\'ve been able to draw two to three times further into the distance."

Technology is the name of the game here, and Kenwright is more than confident about facing up to some considerable rally competition towards the end of this year. "It was a bit like a shakedown for the 2002 version," he said. "We know what worked and we know what didn\'t. Instead of sitting on one game for three or four years and getting it right, we\'ve had the luxury of learning from things that could be improved upon and making them a magnitude better. The overall technology, the rendering, the way it all looks and feels is going to be fairly revolutionary... It\'s up there with only a couple of games in the world that are really pushing the envelope on number of polygons per second on PlayStation 2. We\'re probably going to be drawing more polygons than an Xbox game can do."

New rendering technology will allow incredible levels of realism on the cars themselves, Kenwright added, when combined with professional image-capturing of the various machines. "We\'re gagging to show people, he said. "We\'ve seen competitors games already and they look like WRC. We stopped thinking about that two years ago and we\'re on another planet."

More Power to you, Big Martin. You\'ll get first details and a first look at what should be an astonishing looking game at E3 in May.

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« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2002, 12:36:49 PM »
There goes Seven again telling people IN the industry with HANDS-ON impressions without any ties to any company that they don\'t know what they are talking about.

So we are supposed to believe you then?  I dont\' know what is more startling or offensive, your arrogance or ignorance.

ANd just because it\'s taking advance of the xbox doesn\'t mean it\'s pushing it.  Halo was done on unfinished hardware, with a very tight time frame.  Why always the negativity?  Liek I\'ve said a thousand times, there are far greater graphical problems on the PS2.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 12:39:09 PM by Watchdog »
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Infogrames on PS2,GC and XBox.
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2002, 12:41:37 PM »
So we are supposed to believe you then? I dont\' know what is more startling or offensive, your arrogance or ignorance.

Well, we have sony that says GT3 uses about 25% (i\'m more opted to belive about 50%)

and this company who says 80 to 90%

Who do we belive, I already know your answer.. xbox fanboy

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« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2002, 12:55:40 PM »
Yes, Chrono you are speaking about the Performance Analyzer 2 that was issued by Sony (2nd party more specifically) to analyze their own hardware.

You know what, I can write a program that will analyze my 286 and it will tell me that FFX only uses .01% of my system\'s resources.  Would you trust that?  What if Bungie released a Performance Analyzer that told everyone that Project Gothem only uses 2% of the systems power.  Would you believe that too?
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Offline BizioEE

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« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2002, 01:06:35 PM »
Originally posted by Watchdog
There goes Seven again telling people IN the industry with HANDS-ON impressions without any ties to any company that they don\'t know what they are talking about.

So we are supposed to believe you then?  I dont\' know what is more startling or offensive, your arrogance or ignorance.

ANd just because it\'s taking advance of the xbox doesn\'t mean it\'s pushing it.  Halo was done on unfinished hardware, with a very tight time frame.  Why always the negativity?  Liek I\'ve said a thousand times, there are far greater graphical problems on the PS2.

Watchdog...seven is simply a member who loves his PS2...he\'s no credibility...don\'t waste your time...


Baudet: Xbox is far better than the two others.  Things are running smoothly without any effort,so with a little effort I\'m sure we can do much better. I think games on the Xbox at the moment really aren\'t pushing the hardware: I don\'t think there\'s anything other than Halo that takes advantage of Xbox. With GameCube, it looks OK but sometimes you are disappointed with the drawing capabilities. We are still very new to the console, but we have encountered disappointments - it\'s no Xbox.

If you get the green light for other versions, how long would it take to turn them around?

Baudet: Given the time, Xbox could be much better than the PS2. If you want the exact same game as PS2, it would be very easy to have an Xbox version.

I don\'t think there\'s anything other than Halo that takes advantage of Xbox

Taking advantage of the XBox doesn\'t mean dev are using almost all the power of this console...
« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 01:29:54 PM by BizioEE »
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« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2002, 01:31:33 PM »
There goes Seven again telling people IN the industry with HANDS-ON impressions without any ties to any company that they don\'t know what they are talking about.

So we are supposed to believe you then? I dont\' know what is more startling or offensive, your arrogance or ignorance.

LOL. So I get called being arrogantic or ignorant just because I state the obvious (which Xbox fanboys obviously choose not to see). So if I\'m ignorant, then you are by all means too Watchdog. ;)

You know what, I can write a program that will analyze my 286 and it will tell me that FFX only uses .01% of my system\'s resources. Would you trust that? What if Bungie released a Performance Analyzer that told everyone that Project Gothem only uses 2% of the systems power. Would you believe that too?

The Performance Analizer started off as a PSX hardware tool that helped developers to find areas where performance could be increased. The PA2 has been (or is being) shipped to PS2-developers to help them on developments. It\'s not a tool to generate hype by all means. Seems to me that Watchdog likes to complain about fanboys and their Xbox bashing around here, but when someone posts is a bit critical or posts something PS2 pro he goes down to their level aswell.

Now who ever in here thinks that Polyphony managed to get out 90% with a 1st generation game on a totally new architecture, is obviously denying something. And hey Watchdog, if you are so convinced by what Baudet has to say, please explain to me where he gets is estimate (85 - 90%) about GT3 from?

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« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2002, 01:56:21 PM »
You know what, I can write a program that will analyze my 286 and it will tell me that FFX only uses .01% of my system\'s resources. Would you trust that? What if Bungie released a Performance Analyzer that told everyone that Project Gothem only uses 2% of the systems power. Would you believe that too?

How extreme can you get?
Its for any developer, why would they create a program that would post fake results if 3rd parties would use it?


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« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2002, 02:17:20 PM »
Seven knows what’s he\'s talking about.. Unlike several other people in here.

I talked to a guy at Appeal about the PA2.
He said this..

We don\'t have the PA yet. Sony is now recalling the older devkits to add the hard drive, but it seems the integrated PA are still not available.
I\'ve seen some PA grabs of GT3 and it is true they were not using the PS2 to its full perf, but up to what point, I don\'t know.

Ive talked to another developer (he worked as a graphics programmer on the team that made that NFL game on PS2(sorry forgot the name.. Im not into NFL..))
He said the numbers 2nd party released were true (they were later confirmed by SCEE).  He is working with PA2 on their new game.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2002, 02:24:59 PM by fastson »
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Infogrames on PS2,GC and XBox.
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2002, 02:18:26 PM »
Yes, Chrono you are speaking about the Performance Analyzer 2 that was issued by Sony (2nd party more specifically) to analyze their own hardware.

You know what, I can write a program that will analyze my 286 and it will tell me that FFX only uses .01% of my system\'s resources. Would you trust that? What if Bungie released a Performance Analyzer that told everyone that Project Gothem only uses 2% of the systems power. Would you believe that too?

The Performance Analyzer isn\'t something that Sony invented to hype up their machine.  It is an machine that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.  It was designed to help the developers find areas in the PS2 that they could improve on, not to put out a number that fanboys across the world can throw around. :)  IMO the developers are just trying to hype up their game by not only putting it on the same level as GT3, but also by saying it uses the PS2 to nearly its full capacity.

And to comment on the red text,
Xbox is far better than the two others. Things are running smoothly without any effort, so with a little effort I\'m sure we can do much better. I think games on the Xbox at the moment really aren\'t pushing the hardware: I don\'t think there\'s anything other than Halo that takes advantage of Xbox. With GameCube, it looks OK but sometimes you are disappointed with the drawing capabilities. We are still very new to the console, but we have encountered disappointments - it\'s no Xbox.

We already knew about the NGC\'s limitations compared to the Xbox.  It is already known that it is easier to tap the power of the Xbox than the PS2 and NGC.  The Xbox was designed to be easy to program and powerful at the same time.  This guy is just saying things that have been said many times before.  It\'s nothing to get excited about.

Given the time, Xbox could be much better than the PS2. If you want the exact same game as PS2, it would be very easy to have an Xbox version.

Someone tell that to the Spyhunter developers. :p

But really, isn\'t he stating the obvious?  The Xbox is two years newer than the PS2.  If it couldn\'t handle games that the PS2 can, it would be pathetic.  That is why, like MM already stated, the Xbox is often called the portbox -- because it\'s easy money for the developers.
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Infogrames on PS2,GC and XBox.
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2002, 02:33:35 PM »
Originally posted by mm
so if halo takes advantage of the xbox, why 30 fps?  im blame bungie then now and forever for thier laziness

of course, thats it role, the port-box

//ooseven sits and ponders !

Hype Box nope
Port Box nope
Ripp off Box ... maybe :rolleyes:
SH^&E BOX yeah :D
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