hehe - I\'m sorry BizioEE, but you shouldn\'t be soooooo offended. I mean, honestly - I was at work today and scrolled through the board when I hit this thread and saw your pic. I burst out laughing since I thought it was pretty amusing about how you are posting pics of yourself trying to prove... well, what ever. Anyway, I didn\'t pay too much attention to the photo, until a worker walked past and saw the picture. She then started laughing too and she was pretty certain it was FAKE. I mean, that was something I didn\'t see on first sight, so I decided to check it out in photoshop. And really, I mean, if you look at it (well, they are bad quality), but it has a very wierd shade in it. It also seems that your head is plastered on to some body and it just doesn\'t seem right. Also check the colour how it suddenly changes.
THIS wasn\'t ment to insult your feelings or your looks. It was just something funny I thought I\'d point out. When someone gets offended as much as you just did, you could really think that\'s fake and you\'re trying to hide it - but I think you proved it with more than enough evidence that ... "what ever" is you.
Don\'t take it too serious. Chear up man, it was just a joke.