Chrono: That "GameCube sales being low" comment was from Capcom USA if I remember correctly, and was stated before the GameCube sales picked up in Japan. (after SSBM was released)
Heck, it wasn\'t even a press release.. Steven Kent just included that quote in an article about the industry, and everybody jumped on it. RE1 is definitely going to boost system sales in Japan.. it\'s one of the top 5 franchises over there in recent years. I don\'t think that people need to worry about GameCube losing RE\'s story-based exclusivity. It might happen to make a quick buck after the games clean up on GCN.. but from what I\'ve heard, one reason Capcom wanted to move to GCN was to become free of the Playstation 2\'s technological limits.
We\'ll see what happens.. in the meantime, I can\'t wait to play RE1.