i swear, IGN is the nazi propaganda leaders of the new age
As of today, Tuesday, March 19, PS2 Memory Cards, which regularly sell for $34.99, are selling on E-Bay in the $50-$60 range
thats BS. take a look on ebay and see what you find. mem cards selling for
$30-34, THATS LESS THAN RETAIL! granted you gotta throw a few bucks in for shipping, BUT yer not paying tax and not paying for auto costs to go get one.
mem cards NEVER got that high on ebay. i know cause i sell them occasionaly on ebay and WISH i would get $50-60 apiece AND why the hell is IGN reporting from a frickin month ago? march 19th?
way to go IGN, nice news reporting :rolleyes:
i could send clyde down there to do a better job, and he\'ll only work for nanners