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Author Topic: Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?  (Read 1013 times)

Offline RichG
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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« on: March 29, 2002, 07:13:23 AM »
I must admit I was very impressed. I presumed that the X-Box wouldn\'t be a leap up from the PS2 but I was wrong. Instantly from seeing the X-Box in action you can tell its the more powerful machine, not just on spec alone.

The first thing which struck me was the owe factor of DOA3. The graphics are the best i\'ve seen in any videogame. Pretty good considering its a launch title but it is a beatemup and the graphics of Tekken Tag on the PS2 launch were very good compared to the other PS2 games.

I then checked out Halo to see how other games shined. A shadow graphic wise compared to the likes of DOA3 but it is still a steardy game. Check out them grass textures, there very good.

When I got into the PS2 I felt the textures were a little blurred around the edges. It is true the PS2 like the N64 can\'t do great textures although in my opinion this streaming technology is starting to see sharper textures being used in games. Its the fact that the XBox can do these textures better than the PS2 on launch and from what i\'ve seen a lot less of the dreaded slowdown is impressive.

I still think that the PS2 at this current time has it graphics wise. The likes of GT3 in my opinion look better than Project Gothem Racing but considering that DOA3 on the XBox is better than anything I have currently seen and the likes of Halo are up there with the current PS2 titles and these are launch titles is very impressive indeed.

The PS2 didn\'t make me go wow when I first got the console. Infact I was disapointed. Its only now that I think the PS2 is a great machine and theres lots of titles that I want to get. The XBox however gave me that wow factor which I should have got when I got the PS2. It was even more of a wow for my brother who bought the thing and hasn\'t owned a console since the Sega Saturn days.

I still have his XBox for the next few days before he takes it back to Uni so I will try and make as much use of it as I can.

I wonder if the Gamecube will impress me as much?

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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2002, 07:25:04 AM »
I felt the textures were a little blurred

yeah, alot of xbox games have that problem

i was also hella impressed at 1st with the graphics [thats to be expected from over a two year deficet], but quickly realized there\'s not a whole lot to play on it

RE0 is reaon enough to get a GC
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Offline cloud345
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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2002, 08:03:57 AM »
MM, are you getting it when the remake of Resident Evil comes out or when RE0 comes out? Because they are 2 different games.
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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2002, 08:43:48 AM »
First impressions...


I had preordered a bundle + a game back in September, my anticipation continually built up.  It eventually got to the point I thought the machine couldn\'t live up to my expectations... Then came Nov. 15, I got off of work and as I\'m driving up there is huge package on my front doorstep.  I run inside with it, rip open the box and see a huge black box, 3 games, DVD remote, and lots of those little S\'s.  I quickly open the big black box only to find another big black box about the size of a VCR and just as heavy.  I was a little disappointed with overall design, but that\'s not a concern, I bought it for the games...Then I see the controller, "how the hell am I going to hold that!?" I think is how it went.  I picked it up and after a few minutes adjusted, I\'m totally use to it now but I will be getting the Controller S come April.

I put in DOA3 first, DAMN!!  It was freakin\' gorgeous, I was already pleased with my purchase.  After about five minutes and my drool wiped up, I put in Halo.  I can\'t even describe all feelings that I had for the Xbox that very moment, they were all good though.  I knew for sure it was money well spent...then came Munch and Dark Summit.  I had mixed feelings about Munch at first, it wasn\'t the graphic equivlant of Halo (but then what was at the time), and it\'s gameplay took a little getting use too.  About 5 levels into it, I appreciate it\'s quirkiness(sp?) and it becomes one of my favorites.  Dark Summit, never got to like this one, I traded it in about 4 months later on JSRF (another fine title).

About a week later, I picked up Project Gotham and NFL Fever.  I wasn\'t estatic about either, but they were fun none the less and are awesome additions to my Xbox lineup.

It was like when I got my DC on launch day and first played/had seen Soul Calibur.  I was shocked and pleasantly suprised to see what my new toy could do...

And to think, it\'s only going to get better...

Offline RichG
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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2002, 10:51:36 AM »
Heh thats cool.

I can\'t afford an X-Box at the moment and even if I could I would be deyening myself PS2 gaming goodness as I can\'t afford all the PS2 games I want as it is, so theres no chance I can afford them if im buying X-Box games.

The only real way I could get an X-Box is to sell my PS2, sell my games and then prehaps add a bit of money and get one.

It is worth considering and I haven\'t exactly ruled this option out. However reguardless of whether the X-Box is better graphically wise - which is still in debate anyway - I feel the PS2 has better games and even with the games i\'ve got theres more PS2 games I want than X-Box games.

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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2002, 01:10:08 PM »
Disapointment !

i PLayed HALO.. a game that i was looking forward to for sometime now.. and it turned out to be PANTS !


So i deceided to spend the money i had on a GBA plus 2 games amd 4 PS2 titles inseted of an  X BOX !

and no i won\'t be getting one later :(
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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2002, 01:16:52 PM »
Yeah the first time i played my Xbox i got that wow factor as well, i was very impressed, and so were all my mates, and my brothers mates, so i am very happy with my purchase, i imported an american unit to the UK, and i don\'t regret it in any way.
I have also added JSRF and Rallisport and think both games are great, they gave my that wow factor as well.
The only game that gave me the wow factor when i got my PS2 at UK launch was SSX, and that was only on the first day, but i get alot more wow factors nowadays with my PS2 games, which i am very happy about, and hope i keep getting them.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2002, 01:19:09 PM by Ethan_Hunt »
On the 15 of March 2002, i was going to leave these forums for good.
But on the 16 of March i realised i couldn\'t ever say bye to you guys, so i am staying here for good!

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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2002, 01:49:24 PM »
When the the PS2, Xbox , and Game cube came out I was very happy with my PC games . I bought the PS2 mainly for my daughter, although when she comes to stay with me I often would use it.  Since she had the PS2 she left the Dreamcast I had bought her here with me. I was happy with that system and I had no intention of getting a new console for myself until one day I was at Wal-Mart, and I tried NFL fever on the Xbox. I was very impressed with the game and the machine. I got an Xbox shortly after that and I have not played my PC, or dreamcast games hardly at all.
Xbox - live it......

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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2002, 02:18:47 PM »
well to be serious i never got a wow factor at all

well i guess there were two wows to say the least - 1. wow halo co op is awesome and fun and the graphics are pretty damn nice with the nice textures - but mainly the gameplay wowed me not the graphics

and 2. wow DOA3 is still the utter crap DOA and DOA2 were but now it has pretty graphics to cover up its faults and now im gonna sit back and watch people compare a fighting game where there isnt much level to load at one time therefore better graphics can be achieved and they are gonna compare it to halo where massive levels are loaded at once and it looks great too - hmmm some people dont think much bout logic me thinks - also how much the DOA3 sucked since once you beat it with your fast button mash teqnique of hit them in the air and throw some punchs and maybe a kick and then repeat - wow same button layout with each character so all you have to do is the same thingh with each character and their juggles are the same and blah blah blah - imo the gameplay was lacking and we will leave it at that

im anxious to see the Xbox potential realized and with devs starting to take some effort in programing it might actually happen soon i hope
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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2002, 08:38:55 PM »
A warm fuzzy feeling...

In all seriousness it meet my expectations and blew them away.  It still manages to give me that wow factor every now and then...Gunvalkyrie/Naglfar\'s Pit is the most recent.
O rly?

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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2002, 09:13:33 AM »
My first impression was, "hey, this controller ain\'t that bad."

Overall I see no need to have an XBOX and a PS2.  I\'d rather just buy a bunch of PS2 games, or the HDD or something.
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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2002, 09:15:01 AM »
Overall I see no need to have an XBOX and a PS2. I\'d rather just buy a bunch of PS2 games, or the HDD or something.

Yeah, same idea here
Why should I buy an xbox (with very few must own titles to boot) when I have more then enough to play on my ps2

Offline RichG
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Finally played on an XBox, what were your first impressions?
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2002, 11:16:32 AM »
Originally posted by Troglodyte
My first impression was, "hey, this controller ain\'t that bad."

Overall I see no need to have an XBOX and a PS2.  I\'d rather just buy a bunch of PS2 games, or the HDD or something.

Yeah I agree. The XBox controller isn\'t actually all that bad. It felt weird to hold my PS2 controller again after a few days gaming with the XBox. So I guess its just if you like big controllers or not.

I wouldn\'t mind an XBox but I feel my PS2 can offer me much better games at the moment. So im sticking with that for the time being.


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