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Author Topic: Zero Tolerance  (Read 1006 times)

Offline Ryu
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Zero Tolerance
« on: April 02, 2002, 01:37:45 PM »
Over the past month, the increase in slander, swearing, and utter nonsense has increased 10-fold in console debating.  I won\'t name names, but I will say that even the people complaining about it are part of the cause as well.  This is a PS2 forum despite the fact that we encourage multiple console users to post here.  The fact of the matter is, I\'m sick and tired of seeing thread after thread of "Xbox SUCKS!!!!" and "NGC SUCKKSSS!!!!" although the latter is far more common.

So from this time forward, if I catch anyone ripping on any console just for fun in some stupid repeat thread that has been gone over a billion times before, a warning will be issued and the thread will be closed and copied to our "wall o shame" forum.

I\'m sorry to have to do this, but it\'s getting a little terrible in here and I\'m getting tired of it as are many of the great regular posters who used to visit here on a regular basis.

If you have any questions or problems, PM me and I\'ll be sure to message you back.
Don\'t you ever touch my cape.


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