NYPPZ, the PS2 IS online.... sorta. Buy Tony Hawk 3 and a USB modem and you should be good to go. Since it\'s just for one game, I say you should just get an el-cheapo use PC Keyboard for chatting and use a PS/2 or AT to USB adaptor. Hey, if you\'re PC\'s BB modem is external, you might even be able to use that on your PS2 with the right (Com, seriel, whatever) to USB adaptor. Dunno if TH3 is BB compatable tho.
Hmm.. even if it\'s internal, as long as it has a line in I\'m sure you could network the two together somehow.
Playin online IS fun. I\'m starting to get back into PSO and QIII again.. and saving up for a PS2 and FFXI. That should be a blast when it comes out.
Jus one question tho... why in god\'s name do console manufacturers keep puttin out standard mice for their consoles?!?!?! How in the hell are you supposed to use those while sittin in your LayZboy? Maybe I\'m the first one to think this up, but wouldn\'t it be FARRR more convienient to use a trackball seein as how you just move the ball with your thumb instead of having to scrape the bottom of a chunk of plastic across a plush surface?? Hell, even an Optic track mouse would be better than the crap they\'re givin us. That\'s jus always mystified me....